Falling (Both Literally and Metaphorically) on a Beach

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Are you guys ready? This chapter's a bit of a doozy! And a good bit longer too. If you're reading this and it hasn't been edited, don't worry I'll do it tomorrow, I just wanted to get this one published. :)))

Also, it's the middle of the night right now, and I'm tired and supposed to be asleep. my brother just walked by my room to go to the bathroom, and it scared me so bad.

Love you all, happy reading!! <3


"here we are" Dream put the car in park and climbed out.

George opened his door and walked over to the trunk to grab his stuff.

the two walked to the front door and Dream unlocked it.

George stepped inside and took in everything. the front door opened to the living room, which was connected to the kitchen.

"oh my god!" sapnap walked around the corner and straight to George "hey man!"

"hi" George giggled.

sapnap pulled him into a hug as they grinned.

"well let's show him around the house" sapnap said.

"this here George, is your wonderful bed" Dream laughed, pointing to the couch. "it pulls out so you should be fine. there's a bathroom right here."

"and here is our kitchen," sapnap said, taking the others in there, "it's cabinets are spotless, thanks to Dream. what would we do without you."

"shut up dude." Dream laughed.

"this is my room right here," Dream said, opening a door into a large room with dark green walls. "and sapnap's is down the hall."

after they finished the tour, the three sat down in the living room to tell George the plan. they wouldn't stream tonight, since George was very clearly jetlagged, but Dream and sapnap still had a plan.

"we're going to get dinner and then we're gonna do something fun, but it's a surprise." sapnap said.

"don't worry you'll like it." Dream added.

after grabbing food from subway, Dream started driving.

"where are we going?" George continuously whined from the passenger seat.

"you'll see." Dream replied.

when Dream stopped the car and shook him awake from his nap, George couldn't believe his eyes.

he hadn't been to many beaches in his life, but somehow he knew that this was the prettiest in the world.

or maybe it was just the pretty boy standing next to him.

sapnap pulled a blanket from the trunk and the three sat down near the edge of the water.

while they were eating, sapnap got a call and smiled as he said, "um, sorry i need to take this."

"oo who is it?" George laughed.

"your mom" sapnap replied. the three laughed as sapnap answered and walked away from the group.

once sapnap was gone, George stared out at the water and sunset, forgetting where he was.

"it's pretty isn't it." Dream stated, bringing George back to reality.

"mhm" he replied turning back to his friend.

"this is one of my favorite places in town." Dream continued. "my parents would take us here when we were little. it's a nice way to clear your head."

George smiled and nodded, "i like it here."

the two made eye contact and Dream smiled at him. George turned away as he felt his face heat up. why did every little thing Dream did make him so flustered?

"come on let's get in the water!" Dream said.

"what?!" George exclaimed, "i'm in my clothes!"

"that's fine," Dream said, "it's hot, you'll dry."

"fine." George groaned, giving in.

Dream grabbed his hand and pulled him up. George let his friend drag him to the water.

after splashing around for a bit Dream yelled, "irl manhunt!" and started running away from George.

George laughed and started chasing him around. after a minute George caught up with him and Dream turned around laughing, while trying to catch his breath.

George ran up to him and started to reach out to tag him, when he slipped. with his momentum going foreword he tumbled right into Dream's chest knocking him backwards.

the two fell on the ground, George landing on top of Dream.

"wow George, i know you're falling for me, but you didn't have to make it so literal." Dream joked.

at this, George's stupid heart skipped a beat, while he stared at Dream's idiotic smirk.

wow. his lips are so nice, George thought to himself. he wondered what it would be like to kiss them.

probably horrible, George thought, keeping himself in check.

"um, hey sorry but you're kinda hurting my legs." Dream laughed, face flushed red. it's probably just a sunburn George thought to himself

"oh yeah sorry." George stumbled, pushing himself upright.

they walked back over to the picnic blanket, and sat down while waiting for sapnap to finish.

"finally." Dream laughed as sapnap walked back over, "what were you doing that took 20 minutes?"

"um, just talking to someone." sapnap blushed.

"okayy." Dream said sounding curious. he thought that sapnap didn't have much of a love life these days, but maybe he was wrong.

"anyways, i saw you two making out over there." sapnap joked, changing the subject.

"oh my god, we weren't making out." George said, "we were just playing tag."

when the three got home that night, George showered, glad to get the salt out of his hair, and not be sandy anymore.

after getting out of the bathroom, he walked over to Dream's room, not ready to go to sleep yet.

he walked in and saw Dream laying on his bed watching a sitcom.

he smiled and walked over.

"hey, wanna join?" Dream asked.

"alright," George answered climbing into the bed.

after a bit, George thought of something. "oo Dream, we should mess with the fans."

"ooh yeah"

George pulled out his phone and took a selfie. he posted it on his instagram story after typing laying in bed and watching sitcoms.

then Dream took a photo of the tv and posted it on his story with the caption this show is so stupid.

both images showed a bit of Dream's forest-green wall.

a bit later the two checked twitter. half of the fans were going crazy, and the other half thought they were trolling.

as George felt himself getting sleepy, he thought to himself i better go get to my bed, but he didn't make a move to get up.

slowly he drifted off to sleep.

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