Chapter Two: The First Draw

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Alfred barely touched his food, only stirring his spoon around the strange-smelling goop in his bowl as the ladies next to him chowed down happily. He felt small compared to everyone next to him. Confused about his feelings for the man sitting at the head of the table. He felt lonely and overshadowed in the large castle. He tried eating the food given to him but the soupy pudding texture made him nauseous.

So he waited for a signal that he could leave. One finally came with the sound of chiming bells and the smell of smoke. Servants came behind each person and gathered their plates. Alfred's servant gave a disapproving hum at the sight of his barely touched food.

The King stood and was presented with a serving dish by a server. The man pulled the oval lid off the dish with his large pale hands. His hands were well managed and moved elegantly to grab the piece of parchment being served to him. The golden paper shone brightly in the dim room.

"Here I have the list of twenty to be the first participants in the Tournament of Brides. In a week, this Tournament will be held. Here are the following participants," The king went on to list the twenty creatures that had to participate in the first game. Alfred was surprised by the voice that came out of the gorgeous man's mouth.

It was deep and smooth with a Russian accent slipping out here and there. It almost made Alfred laugh, how human-like this creature was down to the accent yet his mouth moved in odd ways that made him uneasy. It reminded him that even though the flesh in front of him seemed human the real being probably was not. It made him feel more alienated from everyone else. Even though everyone was different species they all seemed at peace with their current predicament.

While Alfred just couldn't grasp his situation. When the last name was called out Alfred was in tears. He didn't know if he was grateful his name wasn't called out or if it was the confusion coursing through his veins. The king congratulated the contestants in his warm silky voice. Everyone stood and started clapping for participants, everyone but him it seemed.

Alfred just sobbed in his chair. His head was dizzy with emotions and his ass was starting to sweat around his dick. He wanted to go back to his tiny mansion of a room. Not soon enough the time came when they were excused. Alfred got up numbly and followed a different servant back to his room. By the time he got there, his thighs were chafing painfully and most of his tear streaks were dry by now. Before he could enter his room though a sweet voice called out to him.

"Alfred!" Balisama strutted to him. Alfred cowered back a bit. Her walking this quickly to him made him realize the giant blue woman could probably easily kill him if she wanted to. How was he going to get out of this alive? Belisama was most likely over 8 feet tall so she had to look down on Alfred to talk to him.

This just made Alfred feel weak. Alfred never felt weak. Sure his brother was a bit taller than him but he was more built. He was 6'2 so he wasn't by any means short. Alfred was supposed to be the hero.

He was supposed to tower over people. He didn't want to scare people but he wanted to be known as the tall, scary, built-looking dude who was as soft as a teddy bear on the inside. Now he felt like a child being cooed at by giant multi-breasted women.

"I noticed you didn't eat during dinner. I'm sure the King figured most people can handle soft dishes as it would be beneficial for people with tentacles. Anyways I snuck some of this with me before I left home. I knew I would miss the taste of my home so I snuck some food in. I figured you could use it more," Balisama said as she pulled out something from one of her pockets. She held out her large hand to showcase a pound of dark meat. It wasn't cut and it gave off an odd smell but it was solid.

"Thank you, Belisama. I needed this. Would you like to come in?" Alfred asked as nodded to his room. Belisama looked around the hall almost nervously before nodding politely and following after the tiny creature.

"Uh, you can sit on my bed," Alfred said as he realized the tall woman's large hips would not fit in his tiny chairs. Belisama nodded bashfully and took a seat on the edge of the rather large bed. Alfred set down his meat and pulled up a chair so the two could talk face to face. He then went back and retrieved the meat. When Alfred sat down he caught the excited gleam in the woman's eyes. Alfred picked off a corner of the soft meat.

"Are you sure about this? I mean you brought it with you for you," Alfred asked. Belisama nodded with delight.

"That is not the only food I brought from home. Now go ahead and try it so we can get to talking," She said excitedly

Alfred took the broken-off piece of meat to his mouth. At first, it didn't taste like much but soon it turned into the best thing Alfred had ever eaten. The meat was softer but hard enough where he had to chew. Alfred's gratefulness soon turned to pure delight. The meat was salt and savory. It would have gone perfectly with the bud light he was drinking before his whole world was turned upside down.

"You cry a lot, little one," Belisama said softly

This comment surprised Alfred because he wasn't aware till then that he was crying. Alfred seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. All he did in response was nod his head and take another bite. Belisama waited until Alfred had his fill before she resumed the conversation.

"Why is that?"

Alfred waited a second before answering not trusting his voice. His sobbing and shoving meat down his throat had not done too good for him. Only now did he realize that he could use a glass of water.

"Honestly? I'm scared. I don't understand how I got here. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I want to go home," Alfred said holding back his tears. Even though Belisama had seen him cry many times he thought it wouldn't be heroic enough to do it right now. Belisama cocked her head. A confused expression bloomed on her face.

"Were you not informed that you would be participating? How awful, most of us are given a year in advance to prepare for the tournament," she said tears coming to her eyes, now understanding why the little creature seemed so scared all the time. Alfred laughed bitterly at this new knowledge.

"Well, I guess I wasn't given that advantage huh?"

Belisama got up quickly which in turn startled Alfred into standing. The large woman approached him and got down on one knee. Alfred was thoroughly surprised by the warm hug he was suddenly wrapped into. Belisama's muscles flexed under Alfred's weight and he was suddenly hit with a large wave of homesickness. He clung to her arm and tried to avoid smushing his face into her many breasts.

Alfred hadn't realized how much he needed this until Balisama's solid arm's tugged him in. Alfred started to sob into her light blue arm. He tried to hide the noises of choking and crying but soon it all became too much. He sobbed his heart content until the tears stopped and his heavy breathing calmed. Belisama patted his back lightly and stood.

"My dear friend Alfred, it would please me like no other if you would agree on helping me and in return help you live as long as we can in this tournament," Belisama said her face hardening and her tone of voice becoming less fluttery and more serious. It was at this moment that Alfred realized Belisama looked less like a woman who happily sat by and slurped on goop when she was told. But more like a warrior, standing tall and proud as she helped her enemy. Both mere victims in a game of murder and despair, Alfred thought. Alfred agreed to her request.

"As much as I can,"

Words of encouragement were exchanged before goodbye where delt and Alfred was left alone for the first time since he arrived in this crazy world. He savored the few seconds of peace before the brunette servant from before came in through a door off to the right.

"Are you need of any assistance Alfred?" the servant asked cheerfully

Alfred stood in thought for a few minutes before answering the man across the room from him.

"A glass of water, underwear, a pair of pants, and a pen and paper," Alfred said determinedly

He was going to make it out of here alive. He needed to make sure of that. If this was his fate then so be it but he was going to make sure that he went down fighting. 

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