The Calm Before the Storm

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Izuku's Pov
                  *Buzz Buzz*  I rolled over in bed to turn off my alarm before it woke up Sero. I got an excited feeling in my gut knowing today was Sero and I's 3-year anniversary. I grabbed my phone off my bedside counter, then I sat up checking my phone it was 5:30 am. I woke up earlier than usual so I could make Sero breakfast in bed. 

I quietly got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I decided on making eggs, pancakes, and turkey bacon. I grabbed the pan I was going to use to make the eggs out of the cupboard. I walked out to the fridge and got out 4 eggs, the jug of milk, butter, and the turkey bacon. I yawned as I walked over to the pantry to get the pancake mix. I brought all the stuff over to the counter by the stove. 

I grabbed a bowl and a fork and started cracking the eggs in the bowl. Once I had cracked all the eggs, I used the fork to scramble them. I turned the stove on and through some butter in the pan. While I waited for the butter to melt I poured a splash of milk into the eggs so it would make them fluffy and more filling. Once the butter melted I poured the eggs into the pan. 

While those cooked I got a big bowl out and started making the pancakes. I grabbed a measuring cup and stuck it in the bag of pancake mix. Once I got the right amount of the mix I put it in the bowl. I measured the amount of milk I needed and poured it into the bowl. Still occasionally mixing the eggs around in the pan so they didn't burn.

Once the eggs were done I took them out of the pan and put them on 2 separate plates. I started pouring the pancake mix into the pan. After I finished making the pancakes, I put 2 on each plate. Then I started making the turkey bacon. I just through 6 pieces into the pan and let them cook. I put 3 pieces on each plate.

I felt 2 arms wrap around my waist, I turned around and smiled "Good Morning Ura- Izuku" I gave Sero a questioning look. "Sorry Izu, I'm just used to seeing you and Uraraka in the kitchen making breakfast." I nodded and smiled.

"I made breakfast!" I announced excitedly hanging Sero a plate. Sero just smiled and walked to the table and sat down. I looked at his back with a strange look. "Uhh, no thank you or happy 3-year babe!" I thought in my head as I watched him eat. I brushed it off when he turned around smiling asking if I was going to come to eat.

When I walked over and sat by him, I noticed he scooted over. Like he was avoiding me. He has been doing this for a while now. "Maybe he just wants some more space?" I questioned in my head shrugging it off. Then I dug into my food.

**A Few Hours later**

   "Sero! I'm leaving, I will be back in a few hours!" I yelled through the house grabbing the keys and heading out the front door. 

I walked down the sidewalk to our driveway unlocking my Volkswagen Jetta. I got in and pressed down on the start button. Once the engine was running, I looked back and started backing out of the driveway. Once I was on the main road I started to head to the flower store to pick up a custom order of white roses dyed black. 

I was driving down the road when I see Uraraka's car heading towards the way I came from. I didn't question it for a second. A few minutes later I pulled up to the small flower store. I turned off my car, grabbed the keys, and headed inside. When I walked in the florist who has fulfilled my order of white roses dyed black, for every date, anniversary, or special occasion, Tsu smiled at me.

"Welcome Izuku! You here for your roses?" She asked excitedly, I nodded my head. I've known Tsu since high school. She was the one who helped me get the confidence to ask out Sero.

"I can't believe it's been 3 years!" Tsu said super excitedly, coming from the back room with my order. I giggled shaking my head.

"I can't believe it either Tsu!" I responded with a big smile spread across my face. Tsu handed me the roses and I paid. I grabbed the roses and waved as I walked out of the store. I checked my phone it has only been an hour. So I headed to the boba shop "Kung Fu Tea" but it was closed so I decided to head back to the house.

Once I arrived home I saw Uraraka's car in the driveway. I shrugged it off. I unbuckled and turned to grab the roses out of the seat next to mine. I unbuckled the seat belt that was around the roses holding them so they wouldn't fall while I was driving. Right as I opened the door I noticed Kacchan was calling so I answered. 

A/N, I use a different form of dialogue for calls! It's the same dialogue I would use for texting

Izuku- "Hey! Kacchan what's up?

Bakugou- "Hey nerd, I just wanted to say happy 3 years with soy sauce packet"

Izuku - "Oh Okay, why didn't you just text that though?"

Bakugou- "I didn't want to duh, anyway I gotta go. I will message you later"

Izuku- "Okay! Bye!"

*3rd Person*

Once the call ended Izuku quietly walked up to the door, so he could surprise Sero with the roses. Sero and Uraraka didn't hear the door open and close.

Izuku quietly went into the kitchen and hung up his keys. While he was walking to his room, he heard something coming from the guest room. He decided to ignore it because he was on a mission to surprise his boyfriend with the roses. Izuku walked into his room just to notice Sero wasn't in there. "hm, weird" Izuku thought with a questioning look on his face. 

The noise from the guest room was getting louder so he couldn't ignore it anymore. Izuku quietly set the roses on his nightstand and started walking over to the guest room. Once he was close enough to the room he could identify what noise he was hearing "Moaning?" Izuku brushed it off as Uraraka brought guys over all the time because she still lives with her parents. But as Izuku thinks about it more he has never once met the guys she brought over and Sero was always gone but would show up exactly 3 minutes and 15 seconds after all the noise would stop.

Izuku started connecting the dots and he quickly opened the door to see his best friend naked on top of his naked boyfriend. 

Sero and Uraraka hurriedly got out of bed both on either side and stared at Izuku wide-eyed. Izuku's vision started to blur up from the tears "What the fuck.." was all Izuku could manage to get out.

A\N- Hey my bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes! The tea is boiling! What do you think Uraraka and Sero are going to say? What do you think is going to happen? I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to get a drink of water, a bite of food, and some sleep! 

Word Counts: 1248 

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