[30] - The Right Thing

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature themes, including firearm use, death(?), and traumatic events.

Aurora awoke to someone nudging her shoulder. She blinked her eyes as she came to, groggily lifting her head away from the car window.

"Morning," Lilith smiled softly, seated beside her. "Come on, you're going to want to see this."

"Mmkay..." Aurora yawned, sleepily taking off her seatbelt.

She followed Lilith out of the van, slipping out into the cool morning air. She planted her feet on a concrete street, squinting her eyes at the cloudy skies above. She drowsily stared at the tall buildings that encompassed them, having yet to connect the dots.

It was only many heartbeats later that the realization settled in, striking her like a freight train.

They'd escaped.

And, now... They were back in the city!

"I... I can't believe it." Aurora breathed out. "I'm... here again."

She did a double-take, surveying their surroundings more closely. They were parked by an abandoned warehouse of sorts, the surrounding area devoid of life. Yet Aurora was surprised to recognize it, as she'd once passed that very same building with her friends in the past.

In fact, now that she dwelled on it... She wasn't too far away from them, now.

"We made it last night, but you were already asleep by then." Lilith explained, grinning all the while. "Hikaru won't consider looking for you here– isn't that right, Zeoff?"

Aurora turned back towards the van, realizing only then that Zeoff had been watching the exchange. He was leaning against the vehicle, peering up at the cloudy skies with a deepening frown. He paused before responding to Lilith's question, but Aurora was much too relieved to take notice.


"So, Aurora," Lilith ignored him, assuming that his behavior stemmed from sleep deprivation. "How far do you think we are from your home?"

"Not very, actually." Aurora admitted, hope spiking in her chest. "Do you mean...?"

"Yes." Lilith nodded before she could even finish the answer, sharing in the young girl's joy. "It's time for you to go home."

Aurora opened her mouth to express her gratitude– there were just so many things she wanted to say in that moment, now that it had finally come.

But she wasn't given the chance.

"...Not yet."

Their eyes immediately swept towards Zeoff, who looked back at them steadily. The ominous rumbling of thunder sounded off in the distance, as though a warning of what was to come.

"What...?" Lilith began, bewildered. "Zeoff, what are you on about?"

Zeoff straightened his stature. He stepped away from the van, joining their side reluctantly.

"We can't. Not yet." He insisted, stern.

"Why not?" Lilith countered, gesturing to their surroundings to stress her point. "We've done more than enough waiting already. We're in the city, so let's just take Aurora home."

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