XXVIII. Evening Escape

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Night air, carried by a warm breeze, rushes through my window. It leaves a film on my skin, almost humid as the season gets hotter. Three taps drum on my door, and I leap off my bed to open it.

Sigvard and Benno exchange no words with me, instead heading straight for the window. I slip through first, like last time, and it's slightly easier than last time to inch my way along the tree branch. Sigvard and Benno join me on the ground minutes later. I poke my head over the shrubbery. The garden torches illuminate no guards, so I sneak toward the fence.

A twig snaps. I freeze, squinting at the branch that snagged on my clothing. Voices rustle in the courtyard, but they quickly settle. I'm about to take another step when my eyes snag on a shimmer in the pale moonlight. It's a gold tassel lying in the dirt. I shove it into my pocket and hurry to the edge of the palace grounds. We make it over the fence undetected, though we don't dare speak until we've reached the forest.

"Two for two," Sigvard whispers.

"Huh?" I say.

Moonlight streaks his grinning face, some teeth pearls, some in shadows. "We made it out of the palace twice. I didn't know such a record was possible."

"The guards would like to believe it's impossible," I agree.

This time, Sigvard leads the way through the forest. He paid close attention last time to the way the swan led us to ensure we would go in the correct direction when we returned. After quite some time has passed, a song trickles through the trees, soft and glossy, like sunlight rippling over a lake. My pace quickens until I'm running, until I've passed my brother, and the dark canopy overheard gives way to the flower-shrouded courtyard. Odeia waits by a willow tree tonight, not on the lake. Her jaw closes when she sees us, the song cut off mid phrase.

"I was almost afraid you wouldn't come," she says, color tinting her cheeks.

"In all honesty, Sigvard reminded me," I say. "I've been so busy with castle duties, lessons, and tea parties. It's unbelievable."

"Not too mention all the 'annoying royals,'" Sigvard chimes in, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What annoying royals?" Her confusion melts into a knowing look as soon as she asks. "Oh, do you mean the princes you mentioned last time?"

"Yes. I just don't understand it." I plop onto the stone bench by a hedge of flowers. "I've never seen such an infestation."

A smile tugs at Odeia's lips. "It is rather odd."

"Did that ever happen while you were there?"

"No," she says, sitting beside me. "Though I'm not surprised, since a coronation is coming up."

Sigvard joins Benno on the ground, across from Odeia and me. "Speaking of which," he says, "We have some amazing news."

"Clemaina made it a masquerade ball!" I jump in. "That means you can come. Everyone's dressing as animals." My face falls into a fake pout. "Though Sigvard still refuses to dress as a mouse."

Odeia laughs. "I don't blame him. Why would he dress like that?"

"So we can match. I'm going to be a snake." I shrug at Odeia's wide blue eyes. "I was already wearing a green dress. I figured it would be the least amount of work for the tailors."

Odeia looks down at her folded hands. "I don't even know where to find a dress."

"We could have one made for you," I say. "But it might be too late since it's three days before the ball."

"You would be unable to explain it to the tailors." Odeia goes quiet, her eyes distant. When I follow her gaze, I realize she's looking at the ancient palace. "Well, I'll see what I can find."

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