Where Ashton proposes to you

2.5K 127 125

Aries - in his ex's backyard

Taurus - Great Wall of China

Gemini - front row at the movie theatre

Cancer - Disneyworld

Leo - midnight walk on the beach in Australia

Virgo - on the tour bus

Libra - at the end of your performance at the KCA (music, dance etc.)

Scorpio - at your favorite restaurant

Sagittarius - at the place you guys met

Capricorn - the park across the school you guys went to together

Aquarius - in your kitchen through a fortune cookie

Pisces - at the VMA awards

LOL some of these are cheesy AF

What Did you guys get?

QOTC: Favorite YouTubers?

Mine are Andrew Lowe and Maddi Bragg

Lots of love bye guys xx

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