Comfort pt. 1

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Cordelia's Pov

Billie Y/n and I have been living together for only about a year but we've all grown very close . Billie and I were a couple 3 years before y/n came into our lives . She showed up at the school with her father after she tried to set him on fire . While I was speaking with her and her father I could tell there was something off with her . I was getting different vibes coming off of her that I hadn't felt from the other girls that got dropped off here . But it didn't feel like a bad thing she seemed fairly sweet but also a little shy . She explained that she didn't try to purposefully set her father on fire it happened during an argument and I could tell she wouldn't try to hurt him like that on purpose . After I talked with her father he left and I showed y/n around the house and showed her to her room . She was sharing a room with Mallory and Coco so I introduced her to them and the girls seemed to take a liking to y/n . I helped her set up some of her stuff and told her what time dinner was before leaving the girls to go to my room to call Billie . When I explained how y/n acted I could practically see her smile through the phone and she asked if she could come by for dinner . She hadn't been living at the house because she enjoyed having her own space but still came over almost every night for dinner and would sleep over . I of course said she could come by but she couldn't make y/n feel uncomfortable since she was very shy and anxious since she just got dropped off here . She agreed and we said our goodbyes and hung up . When it got closer to dinner time I went to the kitchen to help Myrtle cook and set the table. I went upstairs to all of the girls rooms to tell them to come downstairs but saved Cocos Mallory and y/n's room for last so I could talk with them . When I got to their bedroom the door was slightly open and I peaked through the crack and saw all three of the girls on Mallory's bed watching something on her laptop . Y/n was sitting in the middle with a blanket wrapped around her and a stuffed animal on her lap and Coco was braiding her hair while the movie had Mallory and y/n's full attention . I smiled watching them already getting along and knocked on the door frame to let them know I was there . Coco looked up at me and smiled before looking back down to y/n's hair so she could finish and Mallory and y/n kept their eyes glued to the laptop screen

'Hi girls what are you guys watching ?'

I had made my way over to the bed and sat on the edge next to the laptop making it slightly slide down the bed . As soon as the screen moved y/n started whining and Mallory pulled it back up quickly

'We watch Cind'ella'

Y/n babbled that out but turned her attention back to the movie giggling . I smiled watching her giggling at the movie until Coco finished her hair and sat next to her

'Is dinner ready Ms. Cordelia ?'

I looked over to Coco and nodded with a smile and Mallory paused the movie making y/n whine again . Coco stood up off the bed but before I could do anything she picked y/n up placing her on her hip and took the blanket off her but let her keep the stuffed animal . I smiled watching them walk out of the room and I followed after them . Coco and Mallory sat next to each other like always and Coco sat y/n down next to her on her other side . All the girls started eating but before I could sit down the doorbell rang and I ran over to the door . When I opened it Billie was standing there with a smile and immediately pulled me in for a hug . I pulled her inside the house shutting the door behind her and pulled away from the hug to place a soft kiss on her lips . She held me closer and deepened the kiss and slowly moved her hands down until they where resting on my ass and pulled me closer to her . I held her closer and figured it was okay since the girls where eating in the dining room

'Oh um Ms. Cordelia I'm sorry for interrupting but um there was an accident at the table we uh need your help'

Mallory was standing behind me blushing watching Billie and I but looked frantic . I quickly pulled away from Billie and followed Mallory into the dining room . Y/n was sitting in her seat crying looking at her plate that was on fire . I ran over to her and put out the small fire making her turn around to look at me with tears running down her face

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