Safe pt. 4

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I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead making her smile . She started poking my boob and looking at me with a questioning face . I know what she wants but I want her to tell me herself just so I know I'm not overstepping

'What do you want darling use your words'

She grunted and rubbed her nose against my boob aggressively but looked up at me and took a deep breath

'Mmmmm mama miwky peaseeeee'

She gave me her best pout and batted her eyelashes at me . She really knows how to work me . I chuckled and held her cheek in my hand

'You already know how to get your way with me don't you my darling'

She smiled cheekily and started tugging at my shirt . I unbuttoned the top few buttons and pulled down my bra . She latched onto my breast and began suckling slowly and laid down on my lap telling me to cradle her . I did and she looked up at me as she ate with soft expression . I smiled down at her and began rocking her slowly . Her face started relaxing and her eyes started closing . She stopped suckling and I thought she was asleep so I pulled my boob away from her but as soon as my nipple left her mouth her eyes snapped open and she latched back on and grabbed ahold of my breast with both her hands to keep it close to her . She began suckling again and looked up at me angrily . I stroked her face and leaned down to kiss her forehead . She stayed awake the whole rest of the drive and watched me to make sure I didn't take my boob away . Once we were parked outside I patted her leg and moved her up so she was sitting up

'Alright my beautiful babydoll mama has to go back to work and you have to go home with Joe ok?'

She scrunched up her face as if she was confused and unlatched from my breast . She continued looking at me confused and tilted her head to the side

'Mama 'eave ?'

I cupped her face and brought it over to lightly kiss her nose

'Yes baby but I'll be home in a few hours I promise'

She looked at me with teary eyes and we bottom lip wobbling

'But I no wan mama to 'eave me'

She started crying and looked down at her lap . Her cries quickly turned to loud sobs and she wrapped her arms around my neck to pull me close to her

'Mama pease no 'eave me pease'

She cried into my neck and held me tighter . Her sobs broke my heart and I wanted nothing more than to hold her for the rest of the day . I wrapped my arms around her tightly and shushed her and rocked her . She continued crying and wouldn't look at me . I repeatedly kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back hoping to calm her down a bit . After a while she was still hysterically crying and was holding me tighter begging me not to leave her through her sobs . I tried explaining that I would only be gone for a few hours but she still wasn't understanding . When I heard her gasping for air I pulled her head out of my neck and look at her and saw her eyes bloodshot and her face completely red . She couldn't breathe and was freaking out more because of it . I laid her down across the backseat and rubbed her chest lightly to help her calm down and catch her breath . I shushed her and smiled down at her the whole time until she got her breathing under control and looked at me panting with a tear stained face

' pease no 'eave mama pease'

She was too tired to even say it at a normal volume and began whispering . I feel so horrible that she feels like this . I looked down at her trying to make a decision but the more I looked at her crying I couldn't leave her at home

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