Her baby

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I hate being an adult . I wish I can just stay home with Mina all day but sadly I have to deal with my rude ass boss . He always makes me work overtime and is a complete asshole to me and I have to put up with it so I don't lose my job . Wilhemina hates that I stay at that job and is alwyas trying to get me to either quit my job and she could support both of us or I can go work for her but being home all day is boring and when Minas working she scares me so I think I'll just stay where I am . I was packing up my stuff getting ready to leave when my boss came over and told me I had to work a couple hours late until someone else came to take my place for the night shift . Im gonna kill him . I'm actually going to commit a murder . Despite waning to punch him in the mouth I agreed and texted Mina telling her I wasn't going to get home until around 10 . She said it was fine but that she would probably be asleep by time I got home . I continued working and planned out how I was going to murder my boss . Hypothetically of course .

Wilhemina's pov

When y/n texted me saying she had to stay at work late I couldn't help but start to cry . I know she can't control when her boss makes her stay late but it still makes me sad . I wanted to try to stay up to wait for her but I started getting really sleepy and really sad . I decided I could take a little nap but wake up in time to still see her . I went upstairs and set an alarm on my phone for 10 pm so I could wake up right when she's coming back . I laid on my side and held her pillow in my arms and held the blanket covering me in my fist . I tried falling asleep but I couldn't . I've gotten so used to having someone else sleep in bed with me I can't fall asleep without being held . I slowly sat up so wouldn't hurt my back and rubbed my eyes but realized I was starting to regress . I had heard about age regression a few years back and started using it to cope with all the stress and trauma in my life but I've never told anyone about it . Especially not y/n . I'm so scared she'll think I'm weird for being and adult that has to act like a baby to deal with my problems so I don't lose my mind and I love her too much to lose her over something like that . I began crying the longer I was awake and threw myself down on the bed wailing . I held the pillow on top of my chest and cried into it . I reached over and opened the drawer in my bedside table and reached in to grab my purple pacifier and slipped it into my mouth to soothe myself . I curled up on my side and decided I would just stay up since I couldn't fall asleep . I turned off my alarm and turned on a movie on the tv to keep me awake. I started slipping into a smaller and smaller headspace and got sleepier and sleepier until I couldn't fight it and let my eyes shut

Readers Pov

Midnight . He made me stay until midnight . The second my boss said I could go home I ran out of there and out to my car . I sped all the way home since there weren't a lot of cars on the streets so I could get home to my Mina as soon as possible . When I got home the house was dark from the outside so I quietly unlocked the door and took off my shoes as soon as I got in so I wouldn't make any noise . I locked up the door and went to the kitchen to get something to eat before tiptoeing up the stairs . As I got closer to our bedroom door I noticed a small light coming from the room and the low sound of the tv playing . There's no way Minas still awake she bugs me to go to sleep by 10 . I slowly opened the door just incase she was asleep and saw her laying in bed with her back facing the door . She looked like she was asleep so I figured she just fell asleep with the tv playing . I got the remote off her bedside table but noticed something looked like it was on her mouth . I thought it was a big ass bug at first so I panicked and back away from the bed but I got a bit closer and noticed it looked purple . I don't think there's any purple bugs . I leaned over her and leaned down as much as I could so I could see better and finally realized that it was a purple pacifier hanging halfway out of her mouth . As it slid more out of her mouth she started fussing and whining slightly so I pushed it back in her mouth and she calmed down and stayed asleep . I watched her more and though I was a little confused she did look adorable . I turned off the tv and kissed her cheek before going to the bathroom to get ready for bed . When i came back out she was still in the same position as before and seemed fine so I got changed into my pajamas and slipped into bed next to her being careful not to wake her up . I got under the blanket with her and pulled her closer to me so I could hold her . She nuzzled her face in my chest and I wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around her neck so I could stroke her hair . I could hear her slowly sucking her pacifier so I reached down to hold it in her mouth so it wouldn't slip out and wake her up . I kissed the top of her head and laid my cheek there . I'm glad we don't have work tomorrow because something tells me we're going to have to have a conversation tomorrow .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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