Page 1 - Monologue

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Hi! So if you dont know this is a story that is currently being written still, today I made the decision to rewrite the story because I felt as if it didnt make much sense! If you already read the story but would like to re-read it please go ahead!

I only finished 5 chapters so far but I will hopefully try to reqrite all chapters by tommorow<3

Thank you so much by the way for 8.5k reads!

Information on book

Mike - Mike is a character who deals with Bipolar disorder and Anxiety, I wanted to imploment this into his character to bring awareness to it and because I believe it fits his character! Mike is the leader singer of "The Solar System," the band began when he was 16. He is currently 19.

Will - Will is a character that suffers with exteme social anxiety and anxiety, he also suffers with paranoia in severe situations. Instead of Will being taken by the Upside Down, he was kidnapped during his chilldhood which caused all of his mental issues. Hes 18

Max/Maxine - Max is a character who deals with Depression. After Billy had died from a car wreck and her Step Father left her Mother, her mother grew mentally abusive causing Max wanting to move. Her and Will had been living together for 3 years. Shes 18.

Dustin - Dustin is a character is apart of The Solar System. He is the 2nd gutarist. He is also dating Jane/El. Hes 20

Jane/El - Jane suffers from servere PTSD, after growing up in a physical and mentally abusive home she developed PTSD. Dustin had helped her through it wuen they were kids.  They are now dating. She is the drummer in the band and sometimes sings.Shes 18

Lucas - Lucas finds himself very funny, he is the background vocals in most song and the keyboard player.

This story moves slow so if you dont like slow-burns this is probably not the story for you. Any recommendations or criticism is highly appreciated! <33

"Every action as an equal opposite reaction" 



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Lenora, California 2022 December 17th


I woke up hearing my alarm go off, I groaned as I pushed my blanket off of me. I looked around my room before finally deciding to get up and move on with my day. I worked a night shift last night so I'm not working today. I live with my best friend Max, we have lived together for 2 years since we were 16. I know I moved out early, but Max needed to get out of her living conditions, so I offered to go with her.

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