First Time Headliner

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Golden Gun was in the middle of their headlining festival season. The band just performed at Hellfest in France as the headliner of the second day, which was a major success and many fans came to see them in particular that day.

Right now, they were back in the United States. And yet again, they were a major headliner. This time, it was a major and fairly new heavy metal festival MetalFrost. MetalFrost, a three day festival filled with the best heavy metal acts, was halfway through. The best had yet to come, according to the fans, as bands like Metallica, Golden Gun and Megadeth still had to take the stage. And all of that was going to happen today.

But all eyes were on Golden Gun in particular. They were the first band from the 2000s to headline this heavy metal festival and thousands of their fans wanted to see them, since many of them missed out of the band last time when performing in the U.S.

It was nighttime already, about 11 PM, and people were already being hyped up by several bands. Golden Gun was the last to enter the stage and many of their fans were getting impatient, as they wanted to see their favorite band. And even fans from other bands were excited to see how Golden Gun was like on stage. Many Youtube reactors already discussed the lineup of this festival and also discussed most of the bands on the bill. And out of those reaction videos, Golden Gun recieved the most praise. Even if they were fans from other bands that performed during this weekend.

The four guys of Golden Gun were in their dressingroom, focussing on the setlist of tonight. They had to close the night with a banger of a setlist and all four members were quite terrified to perform, as they had to go after another terrific and strong band... Slipknot. And speaking of the latter, they were on stage now.

''So is this how we want to keep it then?'' Jose asked, unsure if this setlist was the final result.

The setlist consisted most of their biggest hits. It originally had some of the lesser known songs on it, but it was both Sven and Logan who were against it and replaced the whole setlist with their greatest hits. Because, in their offense, they wanted everyone to sing along to songs they knew.

Jaden didn't complain this time, because he kinda agreed with why his bandmates changed the setlist. Jaden was more worried about putting on a big show and one that no one will forget about so easily.

''I think so. Anyone disagrees?'' Logan answered the question, looking at both Sven and Jaden.

Jaden shrugged it off and said nothing, while Sven raised his thumb. Logan smiled in response, because this meant that they were all fine with how tonight was going to be like. And yes, they had to close the second day of this massive festival. But they wanted to close tonight in a bang.

''I think we're all set then.'' John, their manager, said while smiling.

It was pretty crowded in the dressingroom of the four young men and so the bar was raised pretty high, as everyone expected so much from them. Not just their fans, but even fans from other bands, crews from TV channels like MTV and even the festival's organization expected a lot from them. The latter had high expectations from all of the bands that were performing, as it was a pretty new festival. And the organization didn't know all of these bands, Golden Gun included.

''Golden Gun is set to go on in 10 minutes!'' a woman yelled into the dressingroom.

The lady in question, whom Jaden assumed was in her 40s, was holding onto her clipboard for her dear life. She had a stern look on her face and disappeared the faster she just came in.

''10 minutes? Have we been discussing the setlist for that long? Goodness.'' Jose wondered.

''Well, apparently we have. But it's to no use now, as we have to go on in a short time.'' Sven broke his silence and got up.

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