Golden Gun vs. Metallica

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It was Grammy season and many big stars were getting ready to grab one Grammy after another. Bands like Bon Jovi, AC/DC and Metallica were all ready to win some of these desired awards.

But in the category for Best Metal Performance, Metallica had another big competitor who also had high chances of winning this and several other Grammys... Golden Gun.

The band was seen as 'Metallica's copycat' and Metallica's fanbase often felt the need to attack them for it. But those who listened closely, could tell that the composition for every Golden Gun song was different than the ones from Metallica. It was not the first time Golden Gun was accused of plagarism and it wouldn't be the last either.

The media couldn't stop talking about this ongoing fanwar between Metallica and Golden Gun, in fact they had been doing so since both bands dropped their debut albums back in 1983. Both bands didn't care about this media fabricated war between both bands and both dismissed it as bullshit.

Fans of both bands did everything they could to drag the other band down. Metallica's fanbase calling Golden Gun 'copycats' and 'losers of heavy metal', whereas Metallica was called 'band for losers' and 'the music for people with no IQ'.

Fans on both camps were excited for the Grammys, hoping to see the other band lose the Grammy for Best Metal Performance. It was 1990, the year after Jethro Tull beat Metallica. That was something that even Golden Gun was shocked by, as Golden Gun was also convinced that Metallica would win for ...And Justice For All. Jaden had expressed this multiple times, as he was convinced that Metallica would win their first Grammy award in 1990.

Now tonight, both bands were head to head and both bands had equal chances of winning the award. But ofcourse, both fanbases wanted their favorite to win. Jaden thought it was ridiculous that both camps were fighting each other and he thought that Golden Gun deserved it as much as Metallica did.

Tonight was the first night that the two bands finally met. Jason Newsted had expressed that he loved Golden Gun's music and that he would love it to collab with Golden Gun. Maybe he could even learn from them and maybe he could give the band some tips too, an idea that was rejected by Metallica's frontman James Hetfield. James stated that he loved Golden Gun's music, but that Metallica wasn't a band which would collab with anyone. Which meant that in no way James would allow Jason to collaborate with anyone.

As the awards were handed out one after another, Jaden and his band mates were bored. But they weren't the only one, as other hard rock and heavy metal bands in attendance were bored. The 1990 Grammy Awards were the most boring so far according to them all.

It was then that Jaden felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and it was none other than Jason Newsted who sat squat down behind his seat. Jason smiled and Jason's appearance behind Jaden's chair shocked Jaden, but he didn't want it to scare Jason off.

"Hi! First of all, you guys are awesome." Jason whispered.

Jaden smiled and soon, the others turned around aswell when they heard a voice from behind them. They too were shocked about Jason's appearance, but they became chill with it shortly after.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the others?" Logan whispered.

"Yes, but they treat me like a third wheel anyway. So fuck 'em. But yeah, maybe you guys wanna hang out after this whole thing? The others can join if they're in the mood." Jason went on, quite stern.

Jaden appreciated the "fuck the rules" attitude Jason put on now, because it meant that Jason wasn't going to be a puppet on somone's string. Well, technically he was still on the strings of James and Lars.

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