Coming and going

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For a few years, the band was on a roll. Being successful and being at the top of the heavy metal scene, Golden Gun had it all.

But since a short time, tension rose within the band and many times there were threats that certain members wanted to leave the band. Thankfully, that didn't happen... until now.

Jaden had grown tired of Sven's behavior and tried to talk to him about the ordeal, but Sven wasn't having it. Then the other members joined too and Sven managed to blame everything on Jaden. Sven managed to get Logan and Jose on his side too, which was enough for Jaden and he left Golden Gun.

Jaden was angry about everything, but told his manager that he still wanted to remain under the label since he had nothing but appreciation for everyone and he had no hateful feelings towards Blackstar Entertainment. But for now, he wanted to get everything straight and wanted to focus on what he really found important.

When the news broke, people were mad and threatened to boycott members like Sven since people believed that it was the band who wanted to get rid off Jaden. Others said that they would only listen to Golden Gun's old material and not buy new albums of the band.

Logan, Jose and Sven brought in Daniel McAdams and continued with him. They really thought that Daniel could become a better frontman than Jaden and started to give zero fucks about what people thought of them, despite them being booed off stage every single time they performed. But they also got hit sales wise, as sales declined everytime they released a new album.

Jaden had finally started to make solo albums and his albums sold a lot better than the ones from his former bandmates. Sven still tried to fight Jaden in public, but Jaden remained silent on the matter. He never spoke about his bandmates ever again and although it still hurt him how he was treated, he just put it aside since it would only add more fuel to the fire.

He also went to Oslo quite often and stayed there for periods of time, since he could clear his head over there and he could focus on new songs. His family members were also happy to have Jaden near them and Jaden used this opportunity to spend more time with them too. With this, Jaden stayed under the radar for American newsoutlets and fans.

People really wondered why Jaden had gone into thin air, since he wasn't spotted anywhere in the States and people wondered if he was still alive.

At some point, Jaden had applied for a visa to stay in Norway for a long time. He was given one and he took some time off from the hectic lifestyle, spending more and more time with his family members. The fans in Oslo he met, were respectful and gave Jaden the space he needed. But every now and then also asked him for autographs, which he always handed out with pleasure.

Years later

It's been ten years since Jaden left the band. Golden Gun was close to disbanding and they were desperate to book some success, but it was nearly impossible at this point. Everyone hated them for kicking Jaden out and everyone had ditched their albums for Jaden's solo material.

And again, within the band tensions rose once again. It was them vs Daniel again, but now it was Logan who vowed to get Jaden back.

When Jaden left, Logan felt miserable to let his buddy go. He was too intoxicated to defend Jaden and when he heard about his departure the next morning, Logan felt extremely sad. But he wasn't allowed to show that during interviews, a demand from Sven.

Logan felt depressed and he couldn't talk to anyone about the matter, since people blamed him for Jaden's departure. So every night, he cried himself to sleep. Every day, he wondered how Jaden was doing. And when news broke that Jaden disappeared, he cried non stop as he feared for the worst.

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