Of Curses and Cottontails

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Lan Wangji felt the curse hit him as he was finishing up a night hunt somewhere near Yiling. His core strained to keep it at bay, but it didn't take long for him to realise that he was not going to make it.

Yiling. Wei Ying.

If he could get to the Burial Mounds then Wei Ying would be able to help to find a way of dealing with whatever it was. In one quick stride he was on Bichen and flying as quickly as he could manage.

He felt his body temperature fluctuate between hot and cold as he flew, sweat trickling down the back of his neck as he tried to fight off the effects of whatever curse he had been hit with. A lot of questions kept running through his head. Who had done this to him? Why? And how had they achieved it? He had not seen anyone in the near vicinity of his hunt and the creature he had been fighting had been all but dead at the time.

He was approaching the edge of the Burial Mounds when he lost his battle with the curse. As it hit he lost control of his sword, plummeting sharply towards the ground and feeling a wrench in his left leg as he hit it hard.

Pain flooded through him. Agony like a thousand needles set all his nerves on fire, before he passed out from it.

     * * *

He was woken by the feel of hands on him, startling him so much that he tried to leap away, only to find himself being held surprisingly firmly. Everything around him looked much too large and he felt very disoriented.

Looking up, he found the curious eyes of a small boy staring down at him from where he was apparently being held in the boy's hands. Which was impossible. How could he be smaller than a child? He struggled again in the child’s grasp, catching sight of a pair of white, fur-clad paws waving in the air below him.

A bunny.... He was a bunny?

"It's okay bunny-gege, I'll look after you," The boy intoned seriously. The realisation that he knew this child knocked the wind out of him. It was A-Yuan! A feeling of intense relief flooded him. It was likely that the boy would take him to Wei Ying. From there, Wei Ying would be able to work out what was wrong, and find a way to fix this. Well, assuming that he realised that the bunny was Lan Wangji and not a random rabbit. The awful thought that the Burial Mounds settlement was short on food, and they might actually kill and eat him, crossed his mind. It made him shudder in the boy’s arms.

Lan Wangji was very uncomfortable; the way A-Yuan was carrying him was wrong and it was not making him feel very secure. It didn't help that his left paw was throbbing with pain. It was the same leg that had been broken when the Wen attacked Cloud Recesses and he worried that the impact might have re-broken it.

Still, escaping A-Yuan’s hands was unlikely to help. He needed to find Wei Ying, and A-Yuan carrying him was probably the quickest way to achieve that.

When the two of them headed into the main Wen camp, he managed to wriggle himself free of A-Yuan's grasp and leapt from his arms. He hobbled over to Wei Ying, nudging his leg furiously with his twitching rabbit nose.

"Oh a bunny! Where did you come from?" Wei Ying said, scooping up Lan Wangji to his face and wrinkling his nose at him.

"A-Yuan, where did the rabbit come from?" Wen Qing's voice broke in.

"It fell from the sky!" A-Yuan exclaimed. "I think it hurt its paw."

"Well, I shall take a look and see what I can do to help," Wen Qing responded, reaching over to take Lan Wangji from Wei Ying.

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