Monkie Kid

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Name : Zara Ahmed

Nickname : Z

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Looks : short black hair , green eyes , brown skin

Clothes : blue or red hijab , purple shirt , galaxy hoodie , blue jeans and red sneakers

Nationality : Emirati

Home country : United Arab Emirates

Family - Abdul Ahmed ( father , 37 ) , Zoey Ahmed ( Mother , 38 )

Sexuality : Straight

Crush : Red Son

Occupation : Bartisa at a coffee shop

Backstory : Zara was born in Dubai , her father a oil tycoon and her mother a fashion model . They were close to the royal family and traveled the world to see different places . When Zara was 13 , she spent a year in China at school and begged her parents that they move to the country . The family moved and got settled in their new home .

How she met red Son : Zara had made a coffee she called the ghost pepper mocha . No one would try it , until red Son came in after getting beat by MK . He tried the coffee and soon began to spend time around the shop to see Zara

Pets : She has a Scarlett macaw named Rio

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