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Name : Annabelle Trueno

Nickname : Anna

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Looks : medium black hair with blue highlights at the ends , emarld green eyes , ivory completion and a scar on her face from a car crash

Personality : brave , bold , clever , smart , understanding and funny

Sexuality : Bisexual

Crush : Jay

Family : Dylan Trueno ( grandfather , 78) , Hazel Trueno ( grandmother,74), Henry Trueno ( father , 35) , Elizabeth Green ( mother , died at 24 )

Element : Thunder

Elemental Abilities : creating raging thunderstorms and striking people with volts found in most tazors which can go up to 50,000 volts

Weapon : whip

Fears : sharks , gators , losing her family and friends

Backstory : Annabelle's story goes back to before she was born. Her grandparents came from a land where families named were based on tribes that could harness powers of the world . Dylan and Hazel didn't want to raise a family there , they soon moved to Ninjago. But eventually they got tangled in the war of the snakes and stopping the time twins . Soon , they had their son Henry who met his wife Elizabeth in highschool. Annabelle was born not long after they met and she grew up in the safety of the city . Sadly Elizabeth would pass away at the you g age of 24 .  By the age of 14, Annabelle was showing signs of her family's power. Dylan and Hazel contacted Wu who agreed to take their granddaughter in and train her to be a ninja.

Other : her last name means Thunder in Spanish

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