CHAPTER XXX: "With endings, come new beginnings", part II

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NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: So, at first my plans were to make this chapter the last one, but after noticing how much space the meeting itself took me, I made a decision to separate this chapter from the meeting, that was supposed to be a part of it, and create one, last XXXI's chapter, that would wrap the whole story up, and focus mainly on the trade itself. Sorry for making it such a mess, but I think it's going to be the best solution - plus, even if the next chapter takes me a lot of space to write it, I will either way keep it as a one, large chapter, without separating it, so stay tuned.. Sorry again, and I hope it's not that big of a deal, but I wanted things to be clearer for you to read it ! (the events from the second season of Legacies will be placed in the next chapter :D)

--Inside Josie's mind, with Josie -----------------

Josie wasn't sure, if her sister could hear her, or not, because before she could deliver the whole message, and actually hear a proper answer, suddenly something brought her back to the pitch darkness once again. And, honestly it didn't take much time for Josie to know, that it was in fact her dark side, whom decided to not let her contact her own sister, as well as anyone, who could potentially save her.. Because, when Josie tried reaching Lizzie again, something was stopping her, before she could even go to the place, where her twin sister was, and it honestly did make Josie feel a bit down. After all, if Lizzie didn't hear her, her whole plan would be ruined, and her only chance would be gone.. So, despite feeling quite hopeless at this point, all Josie could do was to wait, and find out herself, if the message really reached her sister. And, meanwhile she could just try, and figure out (if the help would never come) a way out, though knowing, that she's already done everything, which her dark side advised her to do, was making her feel more powerless, with each minute.. Firstly, as her dark side said, she defeated the minotaur, then she contacted her sister, whom could help her, and did try to use the bond between her, and her own mind, because that's how she created the door in the first place. But, though she's pretty much fulfilled each of her dark side's advices, something wasn't giving her peace.. Because, though it was indeed her own mind, in which she was trapped in, she wasn't the only one sharing it. The dark side, though was the one controlling the body, came right out of her mind.. So, the chance was, she could still be connected to the place, where Josie now was. And, if that was the case, Josie could at least do something, or try to talk to her dark side to taunt her a little, and maybe then she would let her out.. If there was even a chance, it was probably worth a shot. So, not wasting anymore time, Josie sat down on the floor, closed her eyes, and though it took her few minutes to reach her dark side, when she finally found her inside the Prison World, next to her father, and the students, Josie touched her dark side's shoulder, making sure she'd feel Josie's cold grasp on her skin.. And, she didn't have to wait long for the result, as the second she placed her hand on her other self, she quickly turned around, desperately looking around for a thing, which dared to touch her. Then, she just smiled from ear to ear, and Josie's vision got black again, sending her back to the pitch darkness.. But, this time, she wasn't the only one there.

-- Inside the Prison World, with Lizzie ---------------------

Some people say, and believe, that all dreams have meanings. And, so when Lizzie for the first time's heard such sentence, she decided to deeply study her dreams, and somehow try to interpret them, even though sometimes it was a tough thing to do.. And, the case was on point this time, as well. Because, when Lizzie, out of tiredness closed her eyes, she's found herself on some flat ground, without many things around, besides few trees, and some metal objects. And, though she knew well it was a dream, for some reason it didn't feel like it.. It was almost like all of it was happening for real, not only in her head. What's more, she wasn't the only one there, but who accompanied her was her sister, and Kai.. The two people she trusted the most at a particular moment. The thing was, for some reason Lizzie felt quite uneasy, while looking at her sister, like something changed about her, and she wasn't herself.. In addition, though she tried to reach for her sister (but also for Kai), or simply exchange some words with her, she couldn't, as it seemed both her, and Kai couldn't hear a word Lizzie was saying, nor feel her touch on their skins. The only thing however, that Lizzie could do, was to quietly observe.. And, she didn't have to wait that long for a thing to start happening, as in one moment, her twin sister handed something unknown to Kai, with a certain smile, that Lizzie could tell meant nothing more, than trouble. Then, Kai hid it inside his pocket, thanked for the mystery object with a particular look in his eyes, and simply walked away.. And, before Lizzie could chase after him to learn what Josie gave him, her dream was interrupted, and she was brought back from it to reality, thanks to someone knocking on the door to her room:

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