CHAPTER XXXI: "The end of our journey"

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-- Inside the Prison World, at the place of the meeting, few minutes until midnight ------------

When Kai, and Lizzie arrived at the scenery, they both had mixed emotions. But, if they wanted this whole thing to look convincing, they had to act like Kai was the bad guy, and he was holding Lizzie captive – that way, he'd get the blood, and Lizzie would reunite with her family.. And, so, before midnight even hit the clocks, and watches all around, inside the Prison World, they decided to prepare themselves for the meeting with Alaric, and Josie, whom Lizzie was quite worried for. Either way, it didn't matter, as what she had to focus on now, was to seem terrified, or at least act scared, in front of her father.. She didn't really want to lie to him, but she knew he wouldn't understand her decision, and so she decided to make it slight easier for him to accept. Or, rather created a story, she was sure he'd believe in, and wouldn't have anything against.. Well, until he'd find out the real feelings Lizzie felt towards Kai. But, that of course, for Lizzie, didn't have a chance for happening.. Or, so she hoped, because if somehow Alaric would find out about the real story, he would start judging her all over again, and probably try to dissuade her friendship with Kai.. In which, she would understand his motives, but would also have a problem with them. Because for her, Kai wasn't the bad guy, or a villain – instead he was rather someone, who had a rough past, and seek for forgiveness, which she wanted, and promised herself to give him.. In the same moment, as both Lizzie, and Kai heard something in the distance, they immediately guessed, that the guests were arriving, and so they quickly decided to prepare for what was about to come. And, so Kai, in order to make this whole act more believable, using his magic, tied Lizzie's hands with a rope, but not that tight to not hurt her.. And, while they were waiting for Alaric, and Josie to show up, Lizzie suddenly noticed something, while looking around, as if she was slightly bored. The place around her oddly enough seemed familiar, but she wasn't exactly sure where she's seen it before.. At least, until Alaric, and Josie finally joined them from the woods, at the flat ground. Only then, Lizzie realized how she recognized that place – it's because she's seen it, but in her dream, that in which both Josie, and Kai took part in.. And, mainly because of that, she suddenly started feeling this odd emotion, that was both worrying, and scaring her. But, Lizzie wasn't exactly sure of what it meant, and either way, it was already late to do anything..:

- Hey, Rick. Long time no see.. - Kai firstly spoke out loud, and smiled to Alaric, who wasn't so thrilled to see him.

- Let's dispense with the pleasantries. Lizzie, are you okay.. ? - Alaric replied, and looked at Lizzie with a worrying look in his eyes, almost unrecognizable, as Lizzie's never seen him so scared before.

- I'm fine, dad.. Josie, are you okay ? - Lizzie asked concerned about her sister's health, and generally well-being, considering the amount of black magic she's had in herself, and the message Lizzie got from her real sister.

- Never been better, thanks for asking.. Now, can we finally get to the business ? - Josie said, visibly already tired of the whole situation.

- Now, that's what I like to hear ! Being straight, without beating around the bush.. You should learn few things from your daughter, Rick - Kai chuckled a little, not taking things that seriously.

- You're absolutely right ! And, while I'm at it, I should also take an advice from you.. That's a great idea, thank you - Alaric looked harshly at Kai, not having any of his humor.

- Guess your sense of humor didn't change after all those years.. You have the blood, or not ? - Kai asked, carefully watching everything, but Lizzie could tell something was different about Kai, when he said it, though she wasn't sure what.

- Josie, show him the thing - Alaric said, not taking his eyes off of Kai, not trusting him, at all.

- Here it is.. Satisfied ? - Josie smiled oddly to Kai, which concerned Lizzie a little bit.

Crazy Roots - Lizzie Saltzman & Kai ParkerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang