Everything a Brother Should Be

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It was late one night, but Chris was far from asleep. He'd suddenly woke up with the realization that he really needed a drink. After getting up to get one, he went back to bed only to hear a scratching sound underneath. Chris could feel his heart pound with nervousness. Slowly, he looked worriedly over the side and then back under his sheets again. He didn't think he wanted to know what was hiding underneath. Whatever kept making sounds sounded like it was moving.

After what felt like hours (though it was really a few minutes), Chris couldn't take it anymore, "Marin! Martin!" A small light turned on from across the hall and came towards his room. Martin stepped in shining a flashlight at his younger brother, "What is going on?" he yawned. "There's something under my bed." Chris replied.

Martin smiled and rolled his eyes. Even though it was a bit annoying, this never got old.  He came over and looked under the bed, "Okay, you under there, come out with your hands up!" He ducked his head underneath and paused for a moment at what he saw, "Oh, there is something under your bed. It's claws are pretty pointy...and so are the teeth." Chris began to shudder, was it really some ferocious -"Aww, he likes me." Chris was confused, "Huh?" Martin came out and stood up with the 'monster' in his arms which was really a speckled puppy, "See? It's just Jake. Maybe he was worried about you." Martin set Jake on the bed, "Jake, say goodnight to Chris." Jake licked Chris's face causing him to laugh, "Goodnight, Jake." 

Once Jake was set back down and gone to his bed in the living room, Martin sat down on the edge of the bed near a still shaken Chris. Martin gently put his hand on his shoulder, "You feel better now?" Chris put his hand over Martin's, "Kinda, but what if it ever really is a monster?" 

"Chris, you don't need to worry. No matter what, I'll always protect you."

Chris smiled, climbed out of his sheets, and gave his brother a squeeze. Martin squeezed him, too and, as soon as Chris was completely asleep again, tucked him back into bed and went back to bed himself.

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