Him again

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Chris looked up at the afternoon sky as he walked home from soccer practice. Every Friday was a soccer day after school, so he always got home later than Martin. Still, Chris didn't always feel comfortable walking home alone. Zach always seemed to go after him whenever he was alone. This time though, he didn't seem to be around and Chris walked on home with a bounce in his step.

As he neared the crosswalk towards his neighborhood, Chris heard a rustling near the sidewalk. He looked towards it and, almost instantly, felt a sharp pain from behind and laughter proving that Zach had decided to strike again. Chris couldn't see what was happening, but it felt like Zach was pulling his underwear out of place. Zach grinned, "Hmmm. These stretch pretty far." Chris could feel his brow sweating, "Zach, come on. Let me go." he inadvertently whined. Zach snickered, "Okay, whiney. I will." Snapped them back and kicked Chris over. Chris clutched at his scraped arm, "Ow!" Zach laughed hysterically, "And you can tell Martin I said all that." and swaggered off. Chris sighed, got back up, and walked the rest of the way home clutching uselessly at his arm.

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