"I did it!"

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Chris arrived at the cafeteria quickly realizing his heart was pounding again. He spotted Martin waving him over and rushed over excited to tell him what he just accomplished, "Martin! Martin! You're never going to believe what just happened!" 

"Okay, try me."

Chris told him about what just happened with Zach and how he stood up for himself, "I did it! I really did it!" Martin was very proud, "See, bro? You got this." They fist bumped and then started eating and talking about important things. 


After school as they were walking home together, Chris felt a bit strange,"Martin?"


"I feel a little weird. Is that normal?

"Well, I think you'd probably feel like that after you took a step up. You might feel a little weird."

"Will it go away?"

"With time. Just as long as you keep that up. Then it won't be so weird."

"Alright. Can we play Hide and Seek when we get home? You can hide first."


They played a few rounds with Martin consistently having a hard time finding Chris which Martin always told him was a nice thing about him being small. After playing, they climbed up the tree and sat down to catch their breath. Martin pulled Chris onto his chest and began patting and stroking his back while they kept talking. While they talked, Chris kept thinking about his ordeal.  It'd taken almost every ounce of confidence he had, but he got more from what he did. Chris began to realize how tired he was. His voice trailed and, as soon as he finished, he fell asleep. Martin laughed lightly and kissed his sleepy brother.

"Boys! Come in and wash up for dinner!" Martin sent his understanding to their Dad and gave Chris a gentle shake, "Chris, wake up." Chris opened his eyes and sat up, "Huh? What? How long was I asleep?"

"A few minutes."

"Is it bedtime?"

"Nope, actually Mom needs us to set the table. Let's go."

Chris sat up, yawned, and followed Martin inside.


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