Episode 12: The Golden Age

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Calder watched Violet start off the day by either checking her phone or sending a text message every two to three minutes. The process repeated over and over throughout the day, collecting sideways glances and scoffs and rolled eyes from the other tenants of the floor. Calder went out for a workout and groceries, and when she came back, most of her floormates were piled up in the common room and trying to pick something to watch on Netflix. The three who weren't were either manning the stovetop--which was some kind of very tomato-heavy soup by the smell of it--or they were Violet and completely MIA.

Calder was waved over to the pile of blankets and pillows. She excused herself for a quick shower. When she got back, Violet was back, and switching her stare back and forth between her phone, the TV, and the pile of women. Soup was being dispersed.

Violet took one look at Calder, on the approach and in some clean pajamas, looked back at her phone and abruptly blurted out,

"Theoretically, how far out into the fields would a cell phone have service?"

A beat of silence followed before the room broke out in groans. Except for Calder, who had no idea what was going on. She became even more confused as people started throwing in their two cents.

"Is it that time again?"

"Ever considered sticking a tracking device to his armor or something?"

"For fuck's sake, Violet."

"I'm not setting up another search party with you."

One voice spoke out above everyone else: "Same as the last three times, about twenty miles. Any further than that and you're fucked."

Violet swore desperately. She gripped at her hair and wandered about the room without aim.

Calder stepped properly into the room, concerned by now. "Is someone missing?" She asked.

"Her boyfriend," Matilda sighed. "Old enough to have participated in the RHG era little before it collapsed. If you ask me, he's a total crackpot. Always wandering off to search for shit that doesn't exist. Almost gets himself killed most of the time."

"Once," Violet snapped. She'd brought her phone back out after putting it away yet again. "He ran into trouble that bad once." She sighed. Looked Calder in the face, who was still trying to straighten everything out in her head. She opened her mouth to say something.

The girls chose a show to watch. Calder's eyes flickered over to the TV.

True crime.

She grimaced and looked back at Violet. "Let me get some actual clothes on."

Violet pretty much melted in relief.


"So how long have you known this guy?" Calder asked when she emerged in actual clothes and hiking boots(plus Adrien's jacket). Violet ignored her and made a mad dash for the stairs. The draconic stared for beat, and then announced, "I regret everything."

"If you're smart, you'll only regret it once. Take some soup, Abbigail filled up a thermos." Matilda said. The whole pile of women waved--some more dismissively than others--when Calder took the soup and saluted while opening the stairwell door.

Violet turned out to be all the way down and halfway off campus when Calder made it outside. She had to make a mad dash across the open space to catch up, and even then, Violet was in no mood to stop moving with purpose.

"Violet! Hey!" Calder grabbed her arm and finally got her to stop walking. "What's up? I need to know whatever I can about your nutjob boyfriend before we go search the Aegis Fields aimlessly. They take up most of a continent and we can't even begin to follow normal missing persons protocol if you don't tell me how long he's been gone at least. So start talking."

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