Part 1 : The Descovery

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(Nya and kai
past: When they were younger they were calm and content happy with there life but as they grew up and went school they Began to get bullied because there parents were taken at a young age kai regressed way before Nya did to cope with the stress of looking after his little sister and protecting her from danger and Nya began later on due to anxiety issues with school once they were found by sensei wu and he recruited them, wu found out quickly about there regression and supported them.
Present: Nya and kai enjoy being ninjas and love there friends very much and love to have play dates with each other when there off duty)


Lloyd: smiled in nyas direction

Nya: giggles softly hugging kai with her head on his chest and hops up and down on her tip toes excitedly

Kai: "goodness sissy, he just smiled" said quietly

Nya: "I know but i love him" blushing

Wu: "hey" he says putting his hand on her head "you okay?"

Nya: keeps thinking about Lloyd and becomes a puddle of blushy exitment

Kai: "I have no words sensei other than shes in love with your nephew"

Wu: chuckles "really? Why am I not surprised"

Lloyd: listening to kai, Nya and wu convo and becoming embarrassingly nervous and shy.

Cole: "guys we need you Garmadon is back he was just spotted close to jemonikai village heading towards ninjago city." rushing in in a panic.

Nya: returns to her senses

Lloyd runs and calls the others and they head to the brig to sort a plan and they turn the ship on the direction corse

Lloyd:" give him your all we get in front of him and push him back! Got it!"

Everyone nods. Once they got there they attacked Garmadon army with every bit of power they had.

Garmadon: "not that fast" his mech grabs Nya as she jumps to try destroy the power block on the mechs inner leg

Lloyd:"Nya!!!" he runs quickly and destroys the mechs power and the meck drops Nya as he runs to try catch her he calls out for any ninja to try get her but its too late and she fell onto the hard rock below.

Nya: "owwies that huwt" bites her lip trying to hold back tears in her eyes and the fear because she had slipped into her little space but she quickly becomes dizzy and passes out due to the level of pain she experiencing.

Lloyd: drops to his knees beside her "Nya!!!!" he holds her hand "Nya? Are you alright"... No response "Nya please!" he starts to panic and a tear rolls from his eye "kai!!, uncle! She's not responding I need you"

Kai: runs over and puts his hand on her face "sissy wake up please! This isn't the time to mess with us please!! Sissy" his hand begins to shake and he starts to panic very noticeably trying to hold back his need to go small so that the others don't find out

Wu: stands by them "she's unconscious not dead. She's still breathing, Lloyd go lower the gurney kai get ready to put her on and come back to us after you have gotten her up there"

Lloyd: nods and goes to lower the gurney.

Kai: through shaking breath asks "is she gowin to be okie" as he's thinking fu* I slipped!

Wu: just nods and smiles as he goes back to fight.

Kai puts Nya on the gurny and goes up with her to make sure she gets up there safely "lloyd can you go back down I need to stay with her for a moment"

Lloyd: "okay Dont be too long" he runs back and also fights

from the fact Garmadons mech is now unable to move him and his army were fairly easy to make retreat so the ninja then headed back up and in there suprised they find kai curled up next to his sister with his paci his whale stuffie boris while crying...

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