Part 3: The Accseptance

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Over a couple of weeks Nya had been healing great kai and Lloyd went in to be with her more often than the rest of them but she enjoyed the company, but after aWhile she started to become irritated that she couldnt hang out the way they used to and one day when she's alone she attempts to go to them instead. He puts her hand on the wall as she walked and grumbled in pain as she moved because of her hip.

Kai: "sis what are you doing out of bed?"

Zane: "Nya you can't be out of bed yet just one more week"

Nya: "No im bored In there alone I know I get visitors but its still boring!"

Lloyd: picks Nya up gently and kisses her on the lips "baby please, I don't want you out here what if you fell Over you could hurt yourself again and all that time yiu spent would be for nothing, come on darling let me take you back to your room."

Jay: "wait a sec Lloyd, Nya if its boring what do you wanna do then"

Nya: "can you bring me video games?"

Jay: "ofc you go rest and heal I will bring them in a minute

Lloyd: carried Nya back to her bed room and Placed her down and put a blanket over her and smiles he also gets in bed and cuddles with her.

A while Later Jay goes to her room with a very old beat up elephant plushie and a PS vita stocked with games he knows she will enjoy

Jay: "here you go the video games you wanted and kai told me to give you this plushie he said its called Ellie" he smiles and leaves

Nya: giggles softly and hugs the plush smiling Before she sat it up on her bedside table before choosing to play minecraft on the PS vita

Lloyd: gets up to leave "you enjoy yourself on the vita darling" kisses her forhead and goes back to the rest of them. "kai that plushie looks disgusting, like wtf dude!"

Kai: "why are you being rude?" he hugs zanes arm gently "its not even mine! It's been hers since childhood it's the only memory she has of our parents! I only had it because it was left with her when she had her operations I know that because I put it under her blanket when she was on the gurney!"

Zane: "that's true I put it on the side table so it didn't get damaged during the operation" he looks at Lloyd angrily

kai: starts to cry and hides his face in zanes chest " that's why I had a whale plush because that's mine from our parents and I was crying and hugging her for dear life because if she died I would have no biological family left and I wouldn't know what to do without her!!"

Zane: picks up kai and kisses his forhead "shshshsh it's okay shhh baby boy" pats kais butt gently and rubs his back alittle to reassure him "I'm disappointed in you Lloyd I thought you would be more respectful than that!"

Lloyd: is alittle confused but feels guilty "look I don't understand what is going on but I didn't know I just thought it was a bit weird and childish.. I dont wanna judge and upset you kai I may take a while to adjust to whatever is going on"

Kai: nods softly but says nothing

Every one is silent for a moment before Jay panics to break the silence

Jay: "I am too! I am a age regressor like Nya and kai! That's what it's called! That why we act childish sometimes. We regress to a younger mindset to cope! Also I'm Deeply I love with Cole..."

As he says this Cole enters the room and blushes alittle

Cole: "really? I love you too!"

Mostly everyone Awes and Lloyd is still very confused about everything but leaves to go to his room to do some research. Once Lloyd had finished his research he fully understood and became supportive of it all and he went straight to Nya

Lloyd:"hey darling" he sees Nya fast asleep with the vutq on her chest a plushie on her arm and a paci in her mouth he takes a picture of her and sends it to the ninja group chat with a caption of "in sorry I did research I support now and look at my little sleepy baby" then he moves the vita onto the bedside table and covers her over.

Everyone likes Lloyd's post and thanks Lloyd for being respectful and learning about it after he got a brief description from Jay about something most people are quick to judge.

They ate and once again went to bed waiting for things to do other than just sit around and relax

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