Info :]

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Hey readers,

Like all my other works, I have an "Info :]" thingamabopper. You know, the usual intro, please read/vote/comment/promote/fan/whatever. Much appreciated! :D

Inspiration? Uh. I was eating dinner at the time. Spaghetti, I think. Like, seriously. It was like, slurp up a noodle or two, chew on a meatball, and BAM! Story idea! :O So I guess if you ever have a writer's block, eat spaghetti for dinner. It just might work.



P.S. Trey is NOT a vampire. (Just because his last name is Fangmeyer does NOT imply anything.)

P.P.S. *** means a change in perspective.

P.P.P.S. Fun Fact: 'P.S.' means postscript.

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