Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Guys! Scott Hero is coming! Act like we’re having fun! Laugh, guys, laugh!” I whispered urgently as I waved frantically to my friends. The moment Scott passed by, my friends and I burst into a maniacal, hysterical fit of giggles. Scott flashed a smile in my direction accompanied with the sexiest wink known to humankind. 

Heather and Reagan squealed in delight, “OH. EM. GEE! Did you see that?! Scott Hero totally smiled and winked at you!”

“He’s going to ask you to the Spring Fling. No doubt.”

“You’re such a lucky girl!” Reagan nudged me playfully, “Got the hottest guy in school eyein’ you!”

Scott Hero was rumored to be only the second hottest guy in school. He had blonde hair any girl would die for which were of course paired with ocean-blue eyes. So who, you’re probably wondering, is the hottest guy in school? I don’t know.

I added, “He’s in my next class too.”

Heather closed her eyes and started furiously rubbing her temples, “I foresee… Scott Hero will ask you out next class!”

The warning bell rang and I shut my locker. “Aw, thanks for the optimism, guys. I’ll see you on the bus, ‘kay?”

“Can’t wait to see the no-longer-single-Cadence-Payne on the bus!”

Almost there. Three steps. Two. One—Brrring! Crap. Mr. Hawkins is going to eat me.

Mr. Hawkins was scrawling the bell ringer on the chalkboard when I slid into my seat. Hmm, maybe he didn’t notice—

“Miss Payne, care to explain why you are late to class?”

“Well, sir, I was pretty much standing in the doorway when the bell rang—”

Mr. Hawkins’ booming Santa Claus laugh filled the silence of the room, “Ho, ho, ho! Miss Payne, you actually thought I would question your tardiness?”

“Um, yes?”

“Why, you’re the smartest student in the school! If you skipped several of my classes, you would still be ahead!”

“Oh. Uh, thank you. Sir.”

“There is no need to thank, Miss Payne. But it’d be much appreciated if you could try your best to arrive to class on time.”

“Yes, sir.” I was blushing ashamedly; I hated being the center of attention.

Class went on as usual, we finished the bell ringer, and Mr. Hawkins began the lesson. He clapped his meaty hands together, “Alright, class! Partner activity!”

The class groaned in harmony. Mr. Hawkins had no idea who was friends with who, so he tended to pair enemies up together. Mr. Hawkins rattled off the directions and the partnerships. Everyone assembled into their groups and Mr. Hawkins retreated behind his desk to feast on his unlimited stash of Twinkies.

I raised my hand, “Mr. Hawkins?”

He looked up from his cream-filled pastry, “Mm?”

“You forgot to partner me up.”

“Oh, dear me! It seems we have an uneven amount of students today. You can be a threesome with Mr. Hero and Mr. Fangmeyer."

Wow. Just my luck. The girls in the class cast jealous scowls at me. I sat down with the boys, trying to avoid the girls’ glares. The other boy greeted me with a crooked grin and a curt wave. Who was he? I had been in this class for the past three quarters, yet I never noticed this guy.

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