Payne's Dirty Dancer

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My older brother had died in a car crash which caused my mom to commit suicide. She wasn't exactly the smartest woman. Once she died, dad got drunk almost everynight. He would beat me for sticking up for my little sister, Alli. We tried running away from home once but he caught us and once again beat us.

A day came when he just decided to abandon us on the streets. Like with no warning. He was driving us somewhere then demanded us to get out of the car. We obeyed then that gave him the opportunity to drive away. Alli wanted to run after him but at the same time confessed she didn't. She was just as afraid as me of going back home.

She was only eight and I for some reason felt guilty for everything, being the oldest. She didn't deserve any of this. I made a vow to do anything within my reach to keep us alive. To get us a home. To give Alli a better life.

I spent months searching through jobs from being a maid to being a coffe shop worker. All to be treated like complete shit. Everywhere I went, I was abused. Although I never gave up.

We lived in San Fransisco, California. In which living here, you pretty much learn no one stops with sympathy for you whatsoever. You gotta make it out alive on your own.

I was walking down the bearly busy street with Alli holding her tight by her hand. She was the only thing in life right now I cared about the most. I wasn't going to let her down. There's been many nights when we've had to sleep on the street and It's kind of a miracle we're still alive.

We kept walking and it was starting go get quite dark. We crossed the street and I turn my head to see two women exiting a building. Before they walk away further, I rush over to them.

"Excuse me?" the blonde one turns her head towards me, "Can I get a job here?" It sounded stupid but I was desprate. I'd do anything for a decent job.

She must have noticed I was a bit young, "Uhh, how old are you?"

You're very pretty, come with me." She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the building she had just left. The other brunette girl stayed outside, waiting for the blonde I guess.

We entered and the place looked like a club. There was a stage and various tables and seats all around. There were about 6 incredibly skinny, beautiful women in...bikinis?...all in a group talking with a man and a woman that was dressed pretty normal. We walked over to them and the blonde adressed one of them as "Nicloe". "See this girl? She wants a job. So give her what she wants." she said.

All they did was stare as if I were some dirty bug. One of them stepped up and said, "She's beautiful. I can tell. Great body... Come with me." she held out a hand and I grabbed it voluntarily. I kept a hold of Alli's hand as the red-headed lady dragged me into the back of the club.

In the back, it looked like a regular house. There were curtains and frames and couches like you would expect in a home. She then took me into a bathroom. "Here." she handed me a towel and some clothes, "take a shower. Scrub hard to get all your dirt out. Use both shampoo and conditioner..." she gave me every detail so I would shower properly.

"If you want, I can take-" she had motioned towards taking Alli with her but I didn't trust these people just yet, "Uh. No! Its okay, she can sit in here on the toilet and wait for me to finish." I interrupted. It seemed as she understood how I felt then nodded and walked out.

I did everything the lady told me then stepped out putting on the clothes she handed me. I walked out and thats when she got to work. She cut the split ends of my hair, added amounts of makeup to my face. Cut my nails. Blow dried then added various liquids to my hair, everything.

We finished like a half an hour later and she took me and Alli out to the group, "You see it now?" she gestured everyone towards me and they all gasped, "Damn! This girl is going to make loads of money!" the brunette said. All the girls including the guy agreed.

"We'll give you a job honey" I then cheered having a feeling they wouldn't abuse me, "Under one condition." she added. Thats when I got quieter.

"If you hav-" she paused, "Uh. The little girl. She can't listen to our conversation. Do you mind if she goes with Selma while we speak?" she said gesturing the lady that fixed me. I was completely hesitant but went along with it anyway. The lady took Alli and the other lady continued, "Anyway. If you haven't noticed honey, we're strippers. We dance for men and thats how we earn our money. We all work for our own money. So your condition is, if you want a job, you'll have to do this one. And trust me. With that face.." her eyes trailed down and back up, "and amazing body of yours, you make loads of cash!"

I stared at the floor thinking. They noticed me thinking and one got up pushing me towards a mirror. All I could focus on was my appearace. How was this possible? I looked gorgeous. And the thing was, that was the last thing I would have ever thought I would be able to say. My light brown hair fell in perfect waves and my lips were a bright red. My skin looked flawless due to the makeup. Perfect.

"Believe us now? What do you say?" I turned to see all of them staring at me eagerly. I took a deep breath as I prepared for what I was about to say..."I'll do it."

And that's where it all started...

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