Chapter 3 ♡

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Even if I were to deny my feelings for her, It would not take years nor months to not have feelings for her no longer.

But how could this be? I just felt warm and safe around her before, But now... I somehow feel peaceful and more like myself around her.

Or am I just imagining things or over-thinking them?

I averted my attention to the door leading in my room.
Kokomi payed me yet another visit.

"Need to run some tests?" I asked
"No, Just wanting to spend a bit of time with you nothing much." She smiled at me

"What are you doing right now?"

"Watching the sunset as my thoughts flow through my head. I can't do anything that much hence I'm confined..."

Her voice sounded hoarse, Hinting that her condition is taking a turn for the worse. I sighed in frustration and sorrow, The possibility of her not surviving terrifies me.

"The sunset is really beautiful isn't it?" She said, Continuing to watch the sunset she deemed beautiful, Yet my eyes focused on her, Admiring the calm and stern look of hers.

She is still as beautiful as before. Difference is she got even more beautiful now that we are older.

"Yes it really is beautiful..."

Sara continued to watch the sunset while I admired her.
I looked away from her when she averted her attention towards me.

"Sara are you hungry? Do you want something to eat Hahaha..!" I asked, Franctically.
She chuckled,
"Im not that hungry, Thanks.. Although.."


"Can you read me a book?"


She reached out to her night-stand and took a book out the drawer. A legend of sword.
I read her a few chapters as she listened intently as I spoke. Unfortunately I have to read her the book some other time due to my work.

I visited her from time to time, Giving her some snacks along with medication. And read her the book.

Even though its a small thing Kokomi does for me, I cherish those small acts she does for me. It's cute.

Small notes of encouraging messages or poems she wrote,
Paper rings either heart-shaped or frog-shaped,
Small knitted stuffed animals
-The crow one she made was my favorite, I named it Oz-
She sometimes tell me stories of her work which fascinated me a lot.

"Kokomi..." I called her. She stopped reading me the book and waited for me to continue.
"If I managed to survive and recover, Can we watch movies while eating snacks together?"

"Of course, We can do anything you want as soon as you recover" She smiled at me, Brightly.

"Thank you"

Our peace was disturbed when Gorou, Needs to trouble Kokomi with another one of her patients again.
Once they both left my room, I took the book she is reads for me and a pen and wrote a list at the back.

We will surely get to do this once I recover, If fate is ever so kind as the odds are with me.


"Sara? What do you need this many Kami's for?" My mother asked
(Kami is the paper used to make origami)
I continued folding the paper into a crane. I need to make more of this. I didn't bother answering my mother and continued making paper cranes. My mother just sighed and left. It didn't bother me at all and continued.

I managed to make 13 of them till my hand started to cramp. 987 paper cranes left to make...

Kokomi entered my room to see me with shaking hands and paper cranes on my lap, And a small box filled with Kami.

"What is this?" She asked, Opening the box with a confused look.

"Im making 1 thousand paper cranes" I answered, Feeling the cramp on my hand.

"Don't push yourself too much, I will help" She took some Kami and started folding them into cranes. I watched her make them.

I feel perfectly fine around her. Maybe this is the way I loved her?

I made some more paper cranes along with her, And we managed to make 30 of it. 970 more cranes to make left.

"Kokomi? Don't you have a job to do?"

"My shift is over, Don't worry"

"You should be resting in your house by now"

"I want to spend time with you, It has been long since we hanged out together"

"What time will you go home then? Its pretty dark out and its dangerous.."

"I will stay here for the night"



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