Prologue: Meeting God

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In a place that exists out of the realm of human comprehension lies, a God bored out of his damn mind. Being a God, he decided to call up his brotherly friend named Truck-Kun. Here is how the conversation started.

UnknownTrollGod: "YO! Wassup, brother!"

TruckGodJesus: "What do you need?"

UnknownTrollGod: "Send me a poor victim of your choice for my next experiment for pure entertainment!"

TruckGodJesus: "Aight, bet. What are the requirements?"

UnknownTrollGod: "Hmm, just for this time, I want these requirements.

- have a gacha addict as a sibling
- have a good life at the moment
- not emo as fuck
- isn't horni."

TruckGodJesus: "No, Shirou?"

UnknownTrollGod: "No, Shirou."

TruckGodJesus: "Aight, bet I got a poor soul that is ready as we speak

UnknownTrollGod: "PERFECT!"

Even though I have stated that this went over a "call," you may be asking why they decided to make this conversation over text. Well, it's because human engineering smartphones are very convenient.

Plus, they are gods. Why should they care?

ANYWAYS after a minute, a bright flashing light suddenly appeared in the middle of fucking nowhere; out came a human soul. Let's backtrack a bit, shall we, to get a POV of our main protagonist?

*10 minutes ago*

In a city in the United States, our black hair and fair skin protagonist named Gudao was on his way to visit his sister and his friends for a hangout. He was almost near his destination, waiting for the street sign to turn green; he pulled out his phone to play Gate grand order (FGO in his universe as GGO) to do his daily.

After about a minute or two of waiting, he saw the screen signal turn green. Putting his phone away, he was going to cross the street before suddenly...

*Honk Honk*

Optimus motherfucking prime flatten him killing him instantly... Luckily his phone is safe, though. His sister would be both sad and happy. Sad that he died, but glad she got his GGO account due to him being lucky in his account.

Like seriously, how did he pull 3 Castoria and a Kscope in his first multi for the anniversary??? Lady luck must have loved him that day for it to happen.

Now all of a sudden, Gudao is in an area of the pure void. Everywhere he looked was nothing but dark miasma. That is until he found a figure covered in this haze.

*Back to the present*
*Gudao POV*

???: "Why, hello there, Gudao to my abode. As you may be aware that you have died."

Gudao: "Hello there, and yes, I know I have died. Who may you be?"

God: "In mortals term, I am similar to the word God, but in truth, I am closer to being an eldrich god due to being someone that isn't comprehensible by the mortal mind."

Oh shit.


ED (Eldrich God): "WAIT! I'm not a true Eldrich God because I'm currently hiding in this haze so you won't go insane."


Gudao: "Oh, thanks a lot, God. It almost gave me a damn heart attack! So now what? Considering I'm here talking with you right now, I'm guessing I will be reincarnating with a system like in those anime tropes?"

ED: "Spot on! I like you, no homo. But I will be giving you something a bit different depending on what your desire. So what will it be?"

Hmmm, I feel like I'm going to regret this but fuck it. I'll do it because it might grant me a chant to live more peacefully with my gacha games!

Gudao: "Ok, deal, but in exchange, I want...."

*Timeskip because Zelretch said so*

Upon hearing my request for the system I wanted, this God went into a thinking pose about my proposal of a system.

ED: "I accept this concept of a system. In exchange, I'll add a bit more stuff into it for my entertainment."

I had a bad feeling when he said "entertainment," but fuck it! I want to play my gacha!!!

Gudao: "Ok, I accept!"

ED: "Perfect!"

After he agreed to my agreement, he snapped his finger, and suddenly I felt tired.

*Third POV*

Afterward Gudao has passed out and simply vanished into thin air, Thanos style. While ED simply confured a sofa and TV waiting for his entertainment to arrive in his new world.

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