Prologue of the Prologue

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Firey woke up. Today was the first day of school. He wasn't particularly excited, with it being school and everything, but he was excited to meet new people. He packed his bag with the average school things and ran out the door, to catch the next bus, as his school was a few miles away. He sat on the bus and thought about his new school life and how he wants it to be. He wanted it to not be intense, which is what anyone would want when they go to the best school in the country, Dream Island Academy. The school is so good they only let students who are the best at their crafts in! And, one lucky student chosen by a lottery. This student, was Firey. He has had a very basic life up to this point. Average grades, average house, average friends (well 'average'). Getting into this school was something he didn't particularly prepare for, as the chances were so slim. But he got in somehow, therefore, he was dubbed as 'the Ultimate Lucky Student'.

The 40 minute bus journey passed by very fast, and Firey had made it to the entrance of Dream Island Academy. He entered through the gates and.

It all went black.

It was like this for a while, until he woke up. Firey was laying on a small sized table, as if he had been sleeping there. He scouted his surroundings, and it looked as if he was in the school. Apart from that the windows had been barred. And that there are cameras everywhere. Firey gazed down at the table after scoping out the exit to this room. He saw a note. It was in cursive but was very legible. It read as:


None of us wanted to wake you up, but as soon as you do, please head to the Assembly Hall ASAP!!'

Below that was a poorly drawn map of how to get there. It was pretty simple, just a few lefts, but was helpful. Firey didn't want to get lost on his own in this weird place! So he followed the map and ended up at 2 large doors. They looked as if at least a single person had punched them. So he knew that the note was definitely written by a person. He opened the door to see many people, all hanging in their small groups or even solo, dotted around the room. Their expressions ranged from confusion and worry to complete blankness. Everyone looked very different from one another, which was helped by everybody being told to not dress in a uniform. He looked around a bit more, but suddenly saw someone approach him.


Author's Note

i wrote this cuz i thought it would be funny so if it sucks thats why

BFDIronpa: Dream(?) AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now