Prologue (1)

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She was around my height, maybe an inch taller, and was standing semi confidently in-front of me.

She was wearing a red, long dress with a grey belt with average length sleeves. She had multiple silver bracelets on- which shone under the intense light - and had long, red socks to oppose her very odd and random white trainers. On her shoulders she carried a dark red cardigan as it was tied around her neck. She had medium length dyed red hair and wore a grey, slightly spiked hairband alongside some silver hair-clips. Her eyes were grey-red and looked at me with slight nervousness. Her body language gave off leader vibes but her expressions were very nervous. What a mixed bag of emotions! It is understandable though, like where are we? I realised she wanted to talk to me. When she was in a few metres range from me, she started speaking.

'Hi, hello, and welcome? I mean I don't own this place but I do want it to seem as if it is a bit like school. But anyways. I'm Pin, the Ultimate Leader! I told everyone to introduce themselves to each-other, as we are in school together. Also I am assuming we have to introduce ourselves with our talents. I'm not quite sure but that's the idea I got from talking to everyone else. So uh.. who are you?'

Her voice was quite loud but nobody seemed to notice, or at least they did and they didn't care.

'I'm Firey. Nice to meet you, I did think nobody else was here. Guessing you wrote the note?'

She thought for a bit. She drew out a small notepad from her dress pocket alongside a ballpoint which she kept on her ear. I think she was going to write notes on me. I caught a glimpse of the paper and she seemed to have written notes on basically everybody.

'Uh. Yeah. Anyways what is your talent? Oh and what are your pronouns, and also when is your birthday? This is a little important.'

I mean the questions were fine and respectful and then became personal, but I mean she is the self-proclaimed leader, so I should answer.

'Oh yeah, I forgot about the talents. I'm the quote on quote Lucky Student. Y'know the raffle?' She nodded her head while writing. 'Yeah. I won that. My pronouns are he/they, or anything masculine slash neutral. And my birthday is January 7th!'

She smiled at me as she finished writing. 'Thank you! I would recommend you introduce yourself to the other 19 people, so you aren't strangers before whatever will happen here actually begins. Ok thanks!' She rushed off, so I decided to scout out people to talk to, alongside thinking about Pin's talent. Ultimate Leader? To be honest I thought that role was assumed for 50 year old upper-class white cisgender men. But anyways. I kept looking. I mean I was spoilt for choice really.

Well, until I saw them. I saw 2 of the people I knew from my middle school. Leafy, a friend turned slight crush I had (I slightly cringe at this memory) and Coiny, who was one of my best friends even though we fought a lot. And that he slapped me a lot. I wasn't surprised by their presences really, as they were really good at the 2 things I knew them for. So, I headed towards them. As I was heading towards the 2 of them, they both noticed me. They looked at each other in slight shock, but smiled as soon as they turned back towards me. I mean I was pretty average in middle school, getting Bs and Cs on the regular, so they were in their right to be shocked.

'Hey Firey! Its been a while!' I heard Leafy shout. I smiled a little, she sounded very enthusiastic, as always. I walked closer before replying, I would like to know what physical changes they've had if any.

Leafy wore something slightly different from what she used to wear in middle school. She wore a dark mossy green cotton cardigan over a white shirt, and matching green 'shorts' (they ended under her knees), which were closer to grey. She wore very loosely laced green-black trainers. Their hair was probably still long, but mostly tied up into a low ponytail which went slightly below her neck. Her hair was a dark leaf green, as well as her eyes. Their nails were also painted lime green, as per usual. She was also a bit taller than me, but that didn't shock me.

Coiny on the other hand. Oh my god. He changed a LOT. And I mean a LOT. He wore one of those collared, slightly long sleeved white shirts and a copper coloured tie poorly tied around his neck. Certainly something he would do to be honest. He was sporting one of those business jacket things, but it was tied around his waist. He wore light grey (but still copper) business trousers, and those business shoes. He looks like an accountant. I'm still in shock. His hair was copper-brown and was slightly more on one side than the other, as it was probably combed sideways. His eyes were brown and he had a few freckles. What the HELL has happened to him in the last few weeks?!

'Hi Leafy! And Coiny. How's it been?' I asked the two.

'Nothing much.' Coiny replied. 'I'm guessing Pin asked you to introduce yourself to everybody? Cuz that's what she did to us. Sadly-' He was interrupted by Leafy. 'I mean it was fun to get to know everybody but some of them seem so- what's the word – fake? A few of the girls we talked to,' they pointed towards a group of 4 girls, standing away from everyone and seemingly having a nice chat, 'literally lied to both of us, and I mean-' Leafy was then slightly nudged by Coiny, who didn't care for her rambling. 'Yeah.' She finished.

'Anyways, I mean we haven't seen each-other for a while, so maybe we should reintroduce ourselves? Just so we get to know what's changed.' I suggested this, thinking it would fall a bit flat due to me knowing a lot about the two of them.

'Sure? We may as well in this, probably, formal situation.' Coiny answered. 'I'm Coiny, and, I'm the Ultimate Gambler. Apparently. I haven't gambled on actual masses of money due to that being y'know, illegal? But a title is a title.'

So that's why he was dressed like an accountant. I smiled a little, but he could tell I was a little shocked.

'Blackjack bots do a lot to a man.' He said. I then looked at Leafy, smiled, and then began to listen.

'Hi Firey! Again. I'm Leafy, and, for some reason, My letter from this school did not list an Ultimate. I thought they could put that I was the Ultimate Ecologist, but that title was taken by someone from the previous year, and I've been told I have another talent. No idea what that could be.' She smiled a large smile. I think she was ignoring the fact we've been locked in here, probably.

'Well thanks people I totally haven't met before! I got let in here because I won a raffle.' Coiny chuckled a little. 'Raffle Boy.' He said. He probably wanted to whisper that, but I heard it loud and clear.

'I have to go introduce myself to other people now, so, goodbye!' I walked off while waving at the pair.

I saw Pin back in here with two other people. I knew she wanted me to introduce myself to them, but I wasn't anywhere near them, and the group closest to that set of doors was the group of four that Leafy warned me about. I wanted to head to them last because, y'know, they could be bad people or something. Before looking around for other people to introduce myself to, I thought about why Coiny and Leafy were given those titles. Coiny being a gambling man? I would not have ever thought about that. And Leafy being given no specific title? Just question marks? Like why? What would their other talent be? I have no clue at all.

But that's besides the point.


Author's Note:


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