💜 @lTheDreamerl

624 52 28

Instagram : @theaqsarafiq

Let the fun begin lTheDreamerl


💜 What is your name? Or what
Should we call you( Pen Name)?

: I usually just go by my username lTheDreamerl. I will be giving out
name once i have my book


💜 What's is the meaning of your
real me?

: Sea shore.


💜 Is there anyone on wattpad
whom you know personally?

: I wish i could. I have such a hectic
schedule that i barely have time to
publish my chapters and that's it.


💜 When did you know about

: In the days when One Direction
Fanfiction was all the rage.


💜 What was the first book you
read on wattpad?

: Oh, I wish I had that good of a
memory! I honestly cannot name
my first book at all.


💜 Anyone who inspire you to

: I don't think I can give this credit to
a specific person. My inspiration
have come from many people.


💜 Is there any character of your
story who is inspired by anyone?

: All of characters have a
characteristics or two that i deem
important. Or those that i see
reflected in my close friends and
family. Or even myself.


💜 Who is your favorite character
from your books?

: That's like asking a parent who
their favorite child is! I really can't
give answer to that.


💜 How do you cope with your
increasing popularity?

: The love my readers have given me
all these years has only made me
write all the more. They are
absolutely the best. I never thought
I would have so much support for
for my writing.


💜 Do you feel pressure about
updating story or you go with
the flow?

: Both. It depends on the day.
although I always want to keep
my readers happy.


💜 Does anyone in your family
know you write stories?

: Yes, my family is aware of my craze
for my writing.


💜 Has writing affected your life?

: Writing has helped me stay afloat
even in my toughest of times. It's
made me a more confident person.


💜 How long it been since you start
writing stories?

: Years. I wrote my first book when i
was in the sixth grade. I never
stopped after that.


💜 Do you have any wattpad

: Ah, I wish. Like I've said, I just
don't have enough to idle on
wattpad other than to update and
answer messages.


💜 Do you have plans to publish
any of your story? (*ahem WOH

: Yes, I have already made an
announcement on my wattpad
profile page. I will definitely be
publishing! So stay on the look
out. ;-)



💛 If time travel is possible which historic incident you would like to see? OR What year do you want to go to the future?

: The Renaissance period! To see and feel the art and all the great inventions. As for the future, I just want to see the era when flying cars become the norm.

💛 What Power you want to possess?

: Transportation of course! I would love to see the world. Paris in the winter, Boston in the fall, and much much more.

💛 If you have a chance to live in any country, where will you go?

: A New York penthouse with an awesome view sounds reall nice, don't you think?

💛 What is your comfort? ( it can be anything Food, place, person, book, app, song.....)

: Reading. Always reading.

💛 What would you like to call your Fandom?

: I think I'd let my readers decide that.


Hope you all got to know about lTheDreamerl

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