🧡 @AJawaid

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Instagram : @thebunnywrites

Let the fun begin AJawaid


🧡 When & how did you know about Wattpad?

: It's soo interesting to answer to answer this question I've been sent many years back and I'm suddenly feeling nostalgic. I was 17 years old, as can be seen on my profile I joined in 2017. An O-level student who lovedddd to read. My classmate and good friend was discussing her favorite books with me and at that time I had no idea online reading platforms existed. I didn't even have a proper mobile phone XD. She was the one who basically told me about Wattpad and there was her favorite book she wanted me to read which I'll tell about in the next question hehe.


🧡 Is there anyone on wattpad whom you know personally?

: I do, I mean if we're talking about random profiles and not writers specifically. My cousins are here on Wattpad but they like to live anonymously XD They don't even want to be mentioned by me.


🧡 What was the first book you read on wattpad?

: Here comes that question! Ahaha, okayy I have to say the first book I found on Wattpad really put me off it was... i can't remember the name exactly but it was about a girl who was a half Luna kind of thing and her mate had rejected her and It was this huggeeeee never ending kind of story where her mate abusing her but she kept coming back and Oh My God now that I think about it.. what had I readdd! But it got better and the most memorable book that led me to other good books was A Thousand Words. Ahhhh I love love love that Wattpad story. Then there was Must Hate The Player which I think now a paid book. I didn't know any Desi authors till 2021 which was- no 'who' was, actually the game changer for me.


🧡 Who is your favorite character from your book?

: My FAVORITE CHARACTER from My BOOK??? Ufff Allah that has to beee theeee hardest question!!!! Lol I love them all so much.. because each of them has a big part of me that I wanted to enhance, some strengths some weaknesses.. But if I think really really hard.. and I know most people don't expect this answer but I am dangling between Harris and Madiha. If I have to be extremely honest, had there been no Harris Abdullah, there would have been no Hikayat and no one would know A.Jawaid. Because Harris was that character that made the whole story for me.. I am personally in Love with Harris.. 😂 No he isn't real but the struggle he faced due to him not being expressive and being shy and reactive.. I have faced a lot of in real. And then there was Madiha who was.. well just another really dear part of me, even though In not brown skinned I've seen her struggle in other girls around me. So It's safe to say Harris is my fav male character and Madiha is from the female.

Wow.. I'm sorry I talk a lot so I hope it doesn't boring to read .. mehe


🧡 Do you feel pressure about updating story or you just go with flow?

: Achaa, When I had started there was lockdown and I had a lot of time on my hand. I also had soo much energy because I was finally writing! and zero readers XD so I didn't really think about updating pressure because I was already updating extra fast without anyone asking for it. I was legit writing 6:00 am in the morning cuz the scene just built in my head and I didn't want to lose it.. It's embarrassing to admit but.. *whispers* "Mujhe Namaz main bhi story ideas aa rahy hotey they touba touba 🤭"
But yes, after I got a few readers' attention and people got attached to the story anddd life started catching up, then it got stuff. I did feel a self impressed pressure to update with in one week and I had exams and assignments. I did mess up a few of them. But phir I slowly got the hang of it, my readers are amazing who were ready to give me space and wait for however long I would take. So that helped a lot.

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