The Trap Door

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Shane, Eli, Selena, Hailey, and Eli jr come through the tile in the floor.

"I never knew this tile existed" said Eli

"Well it was never supposed to. Who do you think made the stairs" said Shane

"But below the tile is storage rooms. How is this possible" asked Hailey

"You see there's a wall that's a little inwards that the stairs fit through unseen. And it's under the mat at the door so it's never seen" said Shane

"Yes this doesn't exist but for our sake it does great" said Eli jr

"Oh are you breaking the forth wall. That's cute. Don't do it often because you know Steele does it all the time" said Shane

"Alright. Just helping the story" said Eli jr

"That's fine. Alright. WE'RE IN. now what" asked Selena

"Are we splitting up or are we sticking together as a group" asked Hailey

"Let's stay together for now. But let's head downstairs" said Eli

"The Blaney lobby. The Blobby is a great place to start but we gotta back track a bit. It's what we have to do though" said Shane

"Shane you know we haven't really been there since this all started. Well I have you were pepper sprayed in the offices" said Eli

"That is true I had to watch that happen and it wasn't pretty" said Shane

"Do we want to take the elevator down or...." Said Selena before being interrupted.

The lights went out.

"Welp that answers your question" said Hailey

They laugh it off and head down the stairs. Which the last set beyond the gate turned into a slide.

"Guess there is no way back up" said Eli jr

"There are other stairs. Just we can't go up this way" said Ei

Everyone walked cautiously around the bend into the titanic hallway.

"The famous titanic hallway. It's great. Feels weird to be back here though" said Selena

"Yes. It really does. And with the power out or at least the lights it's a whole new level" said Eli

"Do we even try these doors" asked Shane

"I mean worth a shot. We are here for Steele. He may be in the room" said Hailey

They decide who should try the door. No one wants to try it. They have no clue if it's a trap. Who knows what everyone was planning.

"You know what I hear ticking on the other side of the doors. U don't believe we should risk it yet" said Shane

"Second" said Hailey

"Yeah let's just move on and see what the plan is" said Eli

They decide to continue down the hallway cautiously and come to the green room.

" can you tell me why it feels like we are just wasting time" asked Eli jr

"Do we really wanna break a fourth wall now" asked Hailey

"Look im Just trying to break the tension. Otherwise we would be in terrible situation" said Eli jr

They shrug it off and look in the green room.

"I don't see anything wrong. Besides we need to sit down for a few minutes" said Selena

"Thats true. We could use a small break" said Shane

"This isn't old news but this door is locked. Try the other one around the ramp" said Eli

"Got it" said Selena

She tries the door and it opens

"Perfect now let's go in" said Selena

They all head inside the green room with Shane in the rear.

Next thing you know the floor caved in and everyone but Shane fell into the hole.



Shane agreed and went to the closet on the other side of the U shaped hallway.

"So you fell into the trap I set. Masters gonna be happy about this" said a figure

"Who are you" asked Ei

"All in good time. News to say only way out is once master arrives" said the figure

"What do you mean. Once master arrives. By that I assume Steele" said Selena

"Yes young lady. Steele. But your friend is not coming back with a ladder you see. I set a trap in the closet. He's going to a familiar place. It's sending him back in time. He won't be back for a while. Or at all who knows" said the figure.

"Can I atleast ask who you are so we can figure this all out" asked Eli jr

"Well let's say Shane may have mentioned me. But if not. I am Lisa. Steeles sorta kinda wife/lover. He will be down shortly. And don't try to scream I also soundproofed the walls" said Lisa

They all stood frozen. Meanwhile on the other side of the hallway.

"Here it is. Let's see" said Shane as he tried to open the door.

"It's never open. But they probably cleaning the Blaney now. So I get why it's unlocked" said Shane

Shane opened the door. It shut behind him and a blue light came on

"FUCK" said Shane as the light grew brighter and sent him to who knows where.

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