All Tied Up

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"Lisa you ready. Our plan has finally come to an end" said Steele

"What do you mean. It about to start" said Lisa

"Yeah I mean an end as in its tike to start. All the pieces are placed and its time to finally kill the rest if the team that isn't dead" said Steele

"Why dint I wake them up. Its literally been days. They need to eat and drink" said Lisa

"Look they been fed and drank I ain't that bad but I am a monster. Just bit that bad if a monster. Like yeah I wanna kill them and yes I know thats a monster but I want a fair fight. Like starving them and dehydrating them and just a punch and they down doesn't seem fair. You know what I mean" asked Steele

"In a way I do. But like Hansel and Gretel the witch feeds them and fattens them up and cooks them" said Lisa

"Yes like she is nice but a monster. Im like that but not fattening them up. Im just sentimental. This has been going on for what 4 years in real time in the real world. Yea I see you reading this. And what like 20+ years in the story. It was what 5-10 years after the first story I escaped the pipes injuring a student. Bot sure if they died. And after that defeat. What was it another 10 years. So yeah at most 30 years. I am bot sure. Its around 2050 in the story I know that. And how they haven't aged a day over 25 amazes me" said Steele

"Well we look the same just a bit crazier and evil and like we seen some shit. Madness...." Lisa said.

"I fucking get it. But we are the bad guys. Well I am you are also my minion now. Like you love me and probably didn't need to drink that shit to be my minion" said Steele

"Your right. I actually never drank it. Ir seemed like I did buy it went right through me im a ghost. But yeah I love you. And I got a secret. After you died I did tell you I was pregnant didn't I. I cant remember. But I did have a child. We would've been a family Steele" said Lisa

"Hold the fucking phone im a father. Well fuck. Wish I was still alive to have had some time woth him" said Steele

They sit down and chat for a bit just then Selena started to stir

"Ahhh what the fuck. How long was I out. I feel fucking amazing though" said Selena

"Yeah. Ah fuck I need my back cracked but.... Shit we tied up" said Eli

"Will ya shit up im truing to sleep" said Hailey

"Hailey I hate to admit it but you been asleep for days. We all have been asleep for days" said Selena

"Wait what day is it" asked Eli jr

"Well what day was it when we picked up the boxes" asked Hailey

"Lets see was about the 16th or 17th and by the looks of it its almost midnight. And its getting scary. So the 30th" said Selena

"Wait so you are telling me its almost Halloween. Well its the perfect time to kick some Steele Ass" said Eli

"Nice callback" said Selena

"Thanks. Its always a nice thing to sat and it just rolls off the tongue" said Eli

"Well we are tied up how the duck are we gonna escape" asked Ei jr

"Well well well. Look who is finally awake" said Steele

"You bastard. Let us go" sod Hailey

"I dont think I will. You see. The hole didnt keep ya trapped. I was gonna bring you all pizza. And you escape and go get pizza anyway. I may be evil. I ain't a monster. Like it was boring food in the hole. I was being nice to get you pizza before we fought again" said Steele

"Well what are you gonna do" asked Eli

"This" said Steele

"Lisa hit the button" asked Steele

"Yes sir" said Lisa

"LET THE MADNESS BEGIN" yelled Steele giving an evil laugh.

Well shit" said Eli, Selena, Eli jr and Hailey.

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