Chapter Three

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Leslie took his transition badly. He knew and he wanted to do it, but it left scars and pains. He finally feels comfortable in his skin, but if there are constantly pricks pinching him, the pain never goes. Sometimes I wish I could take those million little scratches to cause myself a wound, but not him. I wish I could say I was taking it with strength, but it's hard to see him double over with pain felt from a metre away. He tries not to let it hurt him deep, but he finally loves himself for who he is. No one should be able to take that away from him. I hate to meddle but I need him to be ok. Desperate times call for desperate measure.

Our phone call went a little like this:

Me: Hey James!

James: Hi Aug what's up, I'm getting the sauce no need to worry

Me: Thank you soo much, but um  some kids are bothering Les. Like a lot. He got suspended today and showed up at home looking like Thanos. He's in quite a bad state.

James: Shit man. Did he tell you who did it? I'm still at school, I could go inquire a teacher or find the ki-

Me: James I just need you to look out for him. He's not ok. He needs a big brother in his life right now, a figure to relate to I guess. 

James: Ye-yeah of course I'm always there for him. Must be tough for him. Like a lot. How are you right now?

Me: It- I'm dealing.. with it. It's painful for him to be treated like this just because he wants to be himself. I just really need him to feel ok. He isn't talking to me much these days. Dad says it's because how similar we looked before his transition, so he doesn't necessarily remind himself of then.

James: I get that. It's tough for you guys. Well, I'll get some chocolate before coming. The super dark kind that he loves. It-its's not like a big cheer up thing but-

Me: James no seriously that would be awesome. Thank you so much. I love you.

I didn't say that last part. I meant it a hundred times over. I wish I could tell him that.


Ok so I realised I hadn't fully given insight and an intro and stuff! So I'm just writing this because I love Taylor and writing stuff, but also because I was really bored. Sorry if I mess up grammar and stuff but just know I really love this story. I love what Taylor created in folklore and I love Augustine so much. I just wanted to write a story where she got her story across. Hope is a powerful thing, it can delude how you see reality but also make it clearer. Augustine lives for hope and I want to show that! I hope this can get more reads and votes before I publish chapter 4, which is coming soon, but in the meantime, love all of you, keep hoping and play august on repeat; it's the best thing to do

sam xxx

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