1. Warlock - Theyna

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Theyna Smite was never one to back down from a fight. Except in the case that it costs her a chance at success. The confrontational side of her evaporated into the air. She didn't want to anger the leader of the university. Even if he was judging her unfairly based on her social class

What the people that lived in the higher end of the town failed to realize in their sheltered minds is that just because someone doesn't live a luxurious lifestyle and flaunt their money does not guarantee that said person is lesser than others. Which causes a lot of discrimination against people like her. Even though they made probably near the same amount of money, he had a nice house, probably a family, and fashionable clothes. Oh, and an outstanding reputation of course. Therefore, because of all that, he was superior.

Theyna answered question after question to prove she was the right fit. What was at stake? A thousand gold pieces for a student to use any way they choose in the academic field. Theyna was a Warlock who took classes on Religion and Transfiguration at one of the nicer universities. The only reason it was affordable was because of the money earned from being a soldier for the past 10 years of Theyna's life. They lived a modest life in the not-so-nice part of town so she could afford an education, as well as a doctor for her sister a few towns over.

"Ms. Smite, I'm sorry to say that I will have to take you off the list of potential candidates. We just can't put this much money in the hands of someone with your status. Who knows where the money will end up." The interviewer informed her.

"Right, I will see myself out then. Thank you." Theyna replied, getting up from the chair that was facing the interviewer and walking straight out of the door.

It was absurd. Just because she didn't wear fancy clothes and lived in a large house meant that she wouldn't get money for new books and spell ingredients. She didn't notice how fast she was walking until accidentally she shoved a girl, almost knocking her down. Theyna went to apologize, but before she got the chance, the girl, who was an elf spoke.

"Can't you commoners watch where you're going! I can't believe my brother studies here, amongst you people, what an embarrassment." She shrieked, vigorously dusting off her shiny silver robes and pulling out a small mirror to check that her long brown hair was still perfectly intact.

"I'll spare your precious time and skip the apology," Theyna said through gritted teeth, then continued her fast pace out to the university. The walk to the inn she was meeting her roommate Elkini at was about a 30-minute walk. She was going from the nice part of town to well, where she lived. They rented a room in a house that wasn't far from the inn where they got meals every once in a while.

Her roommate had insisted on treating her to a drink and a good meal after her interview. She said that it could be a celebration dinner or a comforting treat but either way it would be nice. Theyna declined once out of politeness but the second time around took her up on the offer. She could drink a few glasses of beer and have the best food in town whilst Elkini would drink a few mugs of warm milk and order the cheapest thing on the menu.

As she traveled she noticed the houses become less extravagant. The colored and painted stone houses turned into brick buildings. The little shops selling sweets and fashionable clothing became non-existent. Eventually, the cobblestone paths turned into dirt roads, and the buildings around her were made of old wood. She was at last near her home.

Theyna was so close to the inn she could practically smell the roasted beef. Her mouth was already watering and she wasn't even through the door yet. She let out a string of words that some would consider crude when something interrupted her from her thoughts of wonderful food.

It was a scream, and it sounded like a woman's scream too. Theyna turned on her heel and raced towards the direction of the sound. When she turned a corner she saw what was going on and her hand instantly grabbed a throwing knife.

It was a human boy, probably about sixteen with blond hair and a malnourished look to him holding a dagger to a woman's throat. The woman was plump, very healthy, and in simple clothing. Her brown curly hair was pulled back to show off her round face and rosy cheeks. She looked like someone who would typically be very kind and caring. However, right now it was clear she was scared because of the fear plastered on her face.

Theyna held one of her knives up in a position ready to throw and put on her most intimidating Dragonborn look she could muster.

"Drop the knife, now!" Theyna yelled at the boy.

He must have not fully noticed you before but when he saw you his face immediately became similar to the women's. He hastily dropped the knife to the ground and skittered away. Leaving the woman in a state of shocks

Once that shock wore off there were tears in this woman's eyes. Theyna didn't much care for comforting people, especially strangers, but she approached the woman.

"Miss, are you okay?" Theyna asked

"I-I thought I was g-g-g-going to die." She sobbed

"Situations like that can be pretty scary," Theyna responded

"I was s-supposed to be trading with his f-f-father. His wife, the boy's mother, is s-s-sick so he wanted some of my healing herbs. Said he would g-g-give me 20 silver. The b-b-b-boy told me h-h-his f-f-father g-g-got caught u-u-up at w-w-work." She continued to cry for a good five minutes and Theyna just stood beside her and rubbed gentle circles on her back. She told the woman that everything was okay, she was safe and the boy was long gone.

The lady calmed down and thanked Theyna for saving her life. Theyna just shrugged and said a careless "you're welcome" but before she could walk away the woman put a piece of silver in her hand as thanks for her service.

Theyna might not have gotten 1.000 gold pieces, but she helped someone and it felt good. The silver piece didn't hurt but it was the fact that her wife would have been proud that made her heart feel light.

Since she was close it only took around five minutes to reach the inn. She was probably ten minutes late for their dinner. Thankfully, Elkini wouldn't care, she would just ask if anything interesting happened along the way. Theyna shook her head, her roommate was very curious, which sometimes could be easily mistaken for nosiness. They were what she would suppose to call friends though, so it was alright for her to pry some.

When she arrived at the inn she passed by an odd-looking elf. She labeled him as such because he was in fine clothing. Even the nobles in the nicer part of town couldn't afford what he was wearing. He looked the equivalent of royalty, someone from a long powerful sorcerer bloodline. Possibly a person who owns a very successful business in the land would be another proposal. Either way, he was out of his element being here.

She walked into the inn and looked around for Elkini. Nowhere in the crowd did she spot a head of purple hair hunched over at a table. Her height made tasks like spotting her short friend very easy. The problem was she wasn't there. Thankfully, Running late wasn't abnormal for Elkini. Thus, Theyna sat at a table and let someone take her order of two drinks.

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