3. Wizard/Artificer - Elkini

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Elkini Ekypnos wanted nothing more than to drink a warm glass of hot milk and forget about her miserable day. She had promised her friend/ roommate a nice celebration/comforting dinner that she would pay for. The problem was that she had to work at least another hour to get the exact amount of money she'd need. Which, wouldn't be a problem if she hadn't already been working for the past 16 hours. She was so very tired and just wanted the workday to be over. Her brain was buzzing with ways to muster enough magical energy to make a stupid quill glow. That way she wouldn't have to waste money on candles, her pen would give her the light she needed to write at night.

Elkini was so consumed in the pathway her brain was traveling. She didn't feel the need to focus on where she was going. A tray was in her hand with the correct order and she was looking for the ogre with the ruby colored tunic. The task was simple, so why would she need to pay attention? Apparently the answer to that question didn't present itself until after something happened. That something being her running into a complete stranger and spilling the ogre's order all over him.

Elkini couldn't control what was coming out of her mouth. She was word vomiting again, but it was worse because she was apologizing furiously. The man interrupted her and with the wave of his hand his clothes were clean. She was seriously going to have to learn how to do that. Elkini would be lying to herself if she didn't at least admit a thoughts crossed her mind. A thought about how symmetrically pleasing his face was. She began to analyze it, just like everything else she saw.

"Your apology is noted. I understand that people around here do not pay much attention to anything." The man spoke in a prestigious voice.
"Thank all the screws and bolts you aren't angry. However, your comment about people around here not paying attention to things is quite inaccurate." Elkini said, bending down to pick up the shards of ceramic and putting them on the wooden tray.
"Servers shouldn't argue with their costumers, especially if their costumers are nobility." The man stated.

She was hastily getting all the little shards on to the tray, and there was one more that was a little out of her reach. She extended her arm out as far as she could and was just about to grab it when the man kicked it from out of reach. She was about to yell something along the lines of "you ignorant jerk" but decided against it. After all, he was way above her in social class, and could probably put her out of a job.
That man reminded her of the men her mom talked of. She used to tell her that men weren't worth even the rustiest of metals. The memory came with laughter, because at the time the sentence was funny to Elkini, but also pain. She missed her mom so much.
There was no time to mourn the past though. Standing up and grabbing the final shard of ceramic, she took the fragments on the wooden tray to the back of the tavern. Setting the tray in the kitchen like room that was next to the small storage closet she called her own. Peeking up at the cook's face, an older rock gnome who had taken Elkini under their wing, Elkini saw frustration.
"Purple, that's the third bowl this month." The cook, also the owner of the tavern, grumbled.
"I know Morgaine, I know. I'm sorry. Take the cost out of my salary if you have to. Just please, let me be done for today." Elkini pleaded, her feet aching and her mind ready to be done for the day.
"I've had much worse than you purple, there are extra bowls in the back, no need to take money away from you. Who's order did you spill?" Morgaine asked, singing.
"The Ruby tunic ogre who ordered soup." Elkini answered.
"Wait here, won't take me but a minute or two to put that together." Morgaine instructed her.
Elkini did as she was told and stayed in the kitchen. She sat on one of the wooden counters, letting her legs dangle off the edge. Observing the few lights around the room that hung with the old pots and pans. The furnace in the back was the brightest thing in the room. It caused this place to be the warmest room in the tavern. Even when it was absolutely freezing outside.
"Here it is purple. Go give the ogre his soup and then your done for the day." Morgaine told her, giving her the bowl of soup.
"Thank you Morgaine." Elkini smiled a bit, put the bowl on a tray, and headed back out to the front of the tavern.
Elkini quickly arrived at the ogre's table. Setting the bowl of soup down in front of him. He sat alone in a darker corner.
"Apologies about the wait. I hope you enjoy your meal." Elkini said in her sweetest server voice Morgaine had taught her.
"It's no worries dearie." He said, giving her what she assumed was his best attempt at a charming smile.
"Alright, well if you need anything else, let me know." Elkini said uncomfortably after he flashed his mismatched colored teeth, all varying shades of yellow.
The ogre grabbed her wrist to stop her from walking off.
"There is ah.....one more thing you could do for me." He suggested, sounding his best to seem alluring.
          Elkini, unbeknownst to any fluctuation to his tone, answered with a clueless "What?".  The ogre must have not noticed her fleeting smile, or the circles under her eyes.
            "How about we forget about the soup, and go to the back." He says in a tone that is close to the lowest notes on a piano.
            "Um, well, I sleep in the back, and it isn't exactly clean back there. Why do you want to go to the back?" Elkini mutters out, this situation starting to make her stomach churn and hairs stand up on the back of her neck. She cannot pinpoint exactly why though.
           "Well.....we could go to the back, you could take off this old thing," he moved his hand for her wrist to rug on the sleeve of her long sleeved top. "and maybe everything else. You know....have a little fun."
           Elkini felt like she was going to throw up. Why, why did she feel so nauseous?
            "That sounds oddly obscure and not like much fun. I must get back to my job, I'll leave you be." She said, taking her wrist back, still being able to somehow feel his hand on her.
             "You must have just never had someone show you a good time then girl." The ogre replied, a bit more confidently, but not raising the volume in his voice from a quiet mumble.
             "Oh, I've been showed many good times. Like when I found a paper on the bulletin in the tavern down the road for a large junkyard of discarded items. That was a wonderful day. Getting to dig through-" Elkini was interrupted whilst describing one of her favorite memories.
            "Elkini!" She hears a familiar voice call across the tavern.
             A wave of relief passes through her as she runs towards the sound of her roommate.

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