5. Warlock - Theyna

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         Theyna Smite sees her purpled haired friend run up to the table with relief splattered across her face.

         "Thank everything you called my name. I was very uncomfortable in that situation." Elkini sighed as she sat down across from Theyna.

         "Do you know what was going on in that situation?" Theyna asked Elkini, preparing an explanation in her head just in case Elkini didn't get it.

         "Was he....flirting?" Elkini asked

          "Sort of. Not in a nice way though. He was trying to have sex with you." Theyna explained simply. There was no beating around the bush with Elkini.

         "He was? He didn't say that." Elkini responded, looking a bit shocked.

          "Yeah, they typically don't say it." Theyna replied.

          "Well, irrelevant to that," she gestured to the corner where the ogre had sat, "how did the interview go?"

           "They turned me down." Theyna sighed as she shook her head. Her attitude quickly shifting to disappointment.

         "What? No way! They can't do that! Your the top of your classes." Elkini protested, as if she was there.

           "It's my status, everything in that damn place is about status." Theyna grumbled.

"Well, maybe it could be a good thing. Going to work with a bunch of rich people that will respect you even less might not be any better." Elkini pointed out.

"There isn't exactly a better opportunity looking me in the face though."

"No, but these will be. Your intelligent Theyna and your determination is an irreplaceable quality."

"Thanks, I needed that." Theyna smiled and took a big sip of her drink.

"Of course." Elkini smiled, "besides, what do a bunch of rich people who have never worked for-"

          Elkini was interrupted by a loud burst through the tavern doors. Theyna whipped her head around and had a chill touch spell ready to cast at any moment. Though, the sight she saw was quite peculiar. It was the man dressed in fine clothing from earlier. He yelled something that she finally processed to be:
          "I need spell casters!"
          The tavern was filled with chaos for an instant, most of the people jumping to pull out their weapons because of the sudden and abrupt movement, but a few people simply letting out audible gasps. Most of this died down in a few seconds when they realized what the man had said. Everyone set back down in their seats and picked up their drinks to continue their evening festivities.
           "Should we say something?" Elkini asked quickly
          "We are spell casters." Theyna answered with a shrug
          "Hey! Black cloak guy! We're spell casters!" Elkini yelled
           He walked briskly over to our table with a stone cold expression on his face.
          "How much?" He demanded
          "Excuse you." Theyna asked
          "You're excused. I asked how much you both want." The man corrected his previous statement
           "How much we want for what?" Elkini questioned
            The man mumbled something under his breath about hiring below his social class, then answered Elkini's inquiry.
           "How much must I pay you to do the job request?" He re-iterated in an exasperated tone.
          "What's the request?" Theyna picked up her drink and took a sip while waiting for an answer.
"I cannot tell. Though I will say that I am paying no higher than 100 platinum." The man insisted with a stone face.
"100 platinum! That would-" Theyna could tell Elkini was about to start on one of her speeches about how something would be so amazing. In this case though, Theyna knew that would not be the best. They were making a deal, and Theyna needed to make it look like they were having a hard time being sold. She didn't want this man getting any ideas of lowering his maximum price.
Theyna sighed, she looked at Elkini and lowered her hand from her friend's mouth. She shook her head just to make it look like this was truly a hard decision.
"Apologies, she enjoys saying things out right. What we mean is that while 100 platinum is below what we normally take, we will accept since we are bored and want a fun challenge." Theyna declared
"Good. We must leave immediately." The man insisted, turning on his heel.
"Wait! Before we go, you must allow us to go and retrieve our things." Elkini scrambled to her feet and grabbed a screw that fell out of her pocket from her swift change in position.
"Fine, If you must." The man sighed "meet me back at this......shack in an hour."
"Yes sir, will do. What name would you like us to call you?" Theyna got up out of her chair and stepped in front of the man. Theyna wasn't as comedically short looking next to him as everyone else.
"Rowreak Kohlanna Nagsh Afrel." The man answered, turning his head around to show a proud look as he announced his name.
"We will be back shortly Mr. Afrel." Theyna assured him, setting her drink down and standing up.
Theyna and Elkini walked out of the tavern and made their way to their little home near the end of the town.
"His name is so long, I'll never remember it all." Elkini complained
"You'll be okay. Just write it down in the journal you keep." Theyna assured her
"He wasn't very kind when I ran into him earlier." Elkini stated
"Well, no matter how kind he is, he's paying us 100 platinum. We just have to put up with him until we complete whatever mission he has for us." Theyna said as they both neared their home
"It was quite ludicrous of us to not ask the mission first. What if he wants us to fight an ancient black dragon?" Elkini questioned in a panicked voice.
"A rich man like him has no need to go pick up mages out of a place he called a shack if he needed a black dragon killed. He would just go and get one of his many servants to do it." Theyna explained.
"I wonder what his family does that has caused them to amass such money? I might skim some of the records in the university library if we come back." Elkini numbed to herself
"We will come back, and when we do I'll give you my library pass for the university." Theyna promised her friend when they arrived at their home.
"You don't have to do that. Just give me a few hours and I'll get the information I'm searching for." Elkini assured Theyna as she pulled a key from one of her many pockets to open their door.
"Well, I guess we better make a list and pack quick. We have a long journey ahead of us." Theyna declared
"I wonder how many books I can fit in my traveling pouch." Elkini pondered aloud
"Looks like I'll be helping you pack." Theyna mused as she stepped into their place of residences

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