Contrary Forces [Part 1]

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In the vast majority of worlds, sometimes normal, sometimes erratic, we find ourselves in Monstadt. A city, home of the amazing greenery and basked under the never-ending shine of the sun. It has always been hot and warm in this delicacy of a city, especially how enjoyable it felt being there.

Sucrose was a relatively good and sophisticated scientist in bio-alchemy while Barbara was well-focussed on hydro-related abilities, both quite good at their respective skills.

Walking through Monstadt, featuring it's cobblestone streets with buildings wrapped around every corner and the windmills that you can't ignore from, were these two highly skilled individuals, clearly at their own level of expertise. Causally giving out little talks every now and then, while having a normal stroll under the perfectly, warm weather.

Sucrose and Barbara definitely had powerful chemistry with each other. They passed by bakeries, buildings and exchanged many of their personal opinions within each other along the way and would usually ramble about it for hours on end, potentially never stopping.

Even until late noon, where the sun would blast its fullest. They would climb up the Barbatos Statue at the Plaza, and steal the incomparable view that awaits upon their eyes. But there's one thing for sure, climbing up a huge statue such as that one was no easy feat to say the least.

Even to Sucrose and Barbara, not to mention, the blazing sun that shone against them as they were climbing. But hey, they loved a challenge and eventually, they made it after five minutes of pure climbing dedication.

With that being said, they sat down beside each other, Sucrose being on the left and Barbara on the right. They sat at the edge of the statue with their legs hanging out, dangling them against the wind while they glanced at the extensive, vibrant view that stretched miles into the horizon.

"The view never gets old... Ain't that right, Barbara?" Sucrose sighed in heavy relief to the excessive amount of strength she used into climbing this huge statue, but it did come with great rewards so she did not regret any bit of this moment.

"It doesn't, but this heat is killing me though!" Barbara gave off an exhaustive giggle as well as wiping some sweat off her forehead in the process. She then took the time to appreciate the extraordinary view and the azure, blue sky on top.

Then a sudden, natural breeze of wind came from the left where Sucrose was which stroke Barbara next. It seemed odd for her that a natural gust of wind could smell rather disgusting which would only make sense to assume that Sucrose was the source of this subtle pungent scent.

However, Barbara being fully aware with her strong friendship with Sucrose, embarrasing her like that would probably make her feel uncomfortable. So instead, Barbara coughed this annoying and repulsive scent off, hopefully enough to make Sucrose not notice and stayed abnormally quiet for the next ten seconds.

She needed to find away to break the awkward silence in a realistic and enlightening way, so Barbara took a quick look on her left and it was exactly what she imagined. Sucrose casually dangling her sweaty stocked feet like a little girl would do, causing this warm, sweaty scent that her legs gave off, to seemlessly merge into the natural gusts of wind.

"Are you sure those are black stockings? I could see your legs through it!" Barbara laughed. Drastically lightening up the mood even more. Sucrose on the other hand, leaned forward to inspect her stockings and take a closer look.

"Hm... You're right! But look at yours, their white and I could see through them too!" Sucrose replied as a counter to Barbara's embarrassing, yet funny remark about her stocking being so sweaty that her legs could be seen through them easily. But they both laughed it off.

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