Unwanted Pain

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"ARGH!" Macaque screamed in agony as he coughed out some blood.

He leaned over himself, continuously coughing blood that was clogging his throat. He stumbled when he felt his knees buckles and loud ring sounded in his ears but the thumps coming closer to him was much louder.

He jerked his head up and watched as Sun Wukong came closer and closer. His steps seemed soft but the ground quaked beneath the Monkey King.

His face, fist, and staff were covered in "his friend's" blood. But he paid no mind to any of it. It just dropped and trailed behind him as he came closer to the bleeding Macaque.

Macaque's knees finally buckled beneath him and he fell but was simply caught by the hair by Wukong. His grip was tight on his silver fur and he could feel blood dripping from his scalp.

"I told you to stay away, Liu'er." He growled.

Macaque only bared his fangs, his throat was filled with too much blood to say any words.

Macaque was pulled further up and then swiftly met the ground. The act happened a few more times and if Macaque wasnt bleeding before, he'd definetely be now.

His conscious was hanging onto a string of thread at this point but he heard Wukong growl something again.

"---- I -------- happen ------ 'er Mihou ---"

The ringing in Macaque's ears were way too loud at this point. He could barely keep his eyes open but they were blurred anyways by the tears pricking his eyes.

Macaque was dropped to the floor and he coughed up much more blood than before, fighting for air. It was a wonder how he didnt die from blood-loss yet.

He tried looking up but all he saw was black. At least in his right. There was red in his left and the imagine of Wukong glaring at him.

He couldnt tell if the liquid falling down his face was his blood, tears, or the rain that started to shower on them during their fight. But he did know that his chest tightened, even with his broken ribs, and felt his heart slow.

Ah, he was dying. And by the hands of the only one he saw as a friend.

Maybe he could make it one of those romance plays he watched from afar but without a happy ending. He always was an addict for theater.

"Ho-me- just wanted to- bring -ou home.." he managed out.

He felt Wukong remove his staff and Buddha did that hurt. He couldn't hear but he knew that he screamed at that.

He couldnt see what Wukong did next though. His vision was too blurry, too red, too black. He only knew Wukong moved closer.

Maybe he was going to let him have a quicker death. Macaque was far too numb at this point to feel more pain. He shuttered his eyes closed, awaiting the final hit.

He felt something all over his body. Maybe that was just the rain. He was too weak to open his eyes and see what it was...

He noticed the ringing died down and if he could, he'd sigh with relief. He really hated when his ears rang like that.

But at what he heard next, he wished it kept ringing.

Wukong. Sun Wukong muttering each nickname he had for the monkey.
Plums, Mango, Mac, Moonlight, anything you name it.

It didnt have the vicious growl any other sentence had during their fight. It sounded like a mewl, maybe even a beg.

He didnt get to hear anything else. He was surrounded by darkness and he could no longer hear or feel anything. And though darkness was his domain; he felt scared.

Scared of the dark for the first time.


"Ho-me- just wanted to- bring -ou home.."

That snapped Wukong out of the angry trance he seemed to be in. And honestly, he would rather go back to it than see the almost lifeless body infront of him.

If it was anyone else, he wouldnt have  paid a single thought, but to the person that laid there now?

God would he let himself be stuck underneath that mountain once more just for him to wake up and find this is a dream.

But it wasnt.

He found out it wasnt when he pulled his staff out of his friend's face and he started screaming in pain.

He winced, hoping as it wasnt as painful as it sounded.

He leaned closer and moved some silver, bloodied hair away from Macaque's face. The imagine burned into his mind and he would never let himself forget it.

His eyes started to burn from the tears that pooled them, just like it did when he was stuck in that eight-trigrammed pot thing.

Wukong held Macaque's body and Buddha was it cold. He held him closer, up to his chest, trying to warm him up. It was a childish thought, thinking it'd work on getting Macaque's warm, lively body back.

"Shit." He whispered.

"Liu'er?" He called out. Probably hoping his friend would respond.

He didnt.

"Mac? Mango? Plum?"

Still no response.

"Shit, Mac, I'm so sorry," he apologized again and again, hoping he could hear him and maybe forgive him.

But it was too late.

Macaque's arms never moved as a response, his tail didnt wag at the sound of his nicknames like it normally would, his ears didnt even flutter at the sound of Wukong sobbing into his neck.

And there was where he felt it. Or, didnt feel it.

He didnt feel Macaque's heartbeat or a simple breath.

He sobbed harder and clung onto his lifeless body.

The gods and dieties watched from above at the scene. Watched as the Great Sage; Equal to Heaven was lowered down to a mere mortal.

Wukong started cursing out whoever and whatever. The Jade Emperor, Buddha, Demon Kings, etc.
He cursed them out for not stopping him.

This better not be his true punishment, he thought to himself.

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