Grumpy Red

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Mk was stuck. Not in a "help me, I'm in trouble" stuck but a "I need to pee but cant because my warm, fuzzy, bull demon boyfriend is on me"

They were just laying on his bed, watching every single cat video Mei sent him before Redson appeared from a whirl of flames in the middle of his room.

The bull demon looked as if he just woke up. His hair and fur was every where and he was wearing his regular pjs.

"Oh, Red!" Mk exclaimed happily.

He wasnt actually surprised. His boyfriend appearing out of nowhere was pretty much a normal thing.

Redson huffed in response and stalked closer to Mk, grabbing the phome in their hand and throwing it aside.

"WHA- HEY-" Mk sputtered before Redson plopped onto him and snuggled close. Placing his head inbetween Mk's neck and shoulder, his thighs underneath Mk's legs, and hugging the boy tight.

"Uh- oh. One of those moods?"

Another huff for a response instead of one made with words.

Mk hummed and got to work. Relaxing in the hold, he hugs the bull demon back with one arm and starts brushing Redson's hair softly with their other hand.

Redson hummed contently and snuggled impossibly closer. His hot breath hovered over Mk's neck which made them shiver but tried to pay it no mind.

He kept brushing and started making one-sided small talk. He talked about how Mei pranked Tang earlier that day, how this one old lady gave him a hand-knitted scarf for saving her the previous week, etc.

They knew Redson was listening because his ears occasionally flicked and sometimes flicked in his face on accident.

Once realizing most knots were gone, Mk stopped and just gave a tight squeeze to Redson. Who grumbled refusingly.

"C'mon Red, you know what that means." Mk smiled but Redson couldnt see it.

After a begrudgingly long time, Redson finally got up and off of the Monkie Kid. His face was all red and his eyebrows were a bit furrowed.

"C'mon Red, dont be like that," Mk chuckled and hugged him again once he sat up.

Redson scowled and turned his head but accepted the hug nonetheless.

"You're cute, ya know that?" Mk muttered against his fur.

A heavy huff was the response and Redson got up immeditately,
"Demon princes aren't meant to be cute," he growled.

"Aw, that was adorable!" Mk exclaimed, making grabby hands at their boyfriend.

"..Damn you Noodle Boy," Redson hissed under his breath but walked back to the bed to once again, hug Mk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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