Dark Side

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Lydia's POV

I have awoken from the trance I seemed to be placed under not sure of what just happened to me. I was positive that time passed I just didn't know how much. I remembered it. Sinking down to a deep abyss in my subconscious. It was like I wasn't myself. Someone else. Something else. But the last time this happened was with Void Stiles when the Nogitsune took over. But that wasn't possible I
thought shaking my head violently. I mean it couldn't be possible. They defeated it. They trapped it. They saved him. Stiles. I mean how would the Nogitsune even get into my system. Then I realized that those chemicals I was injected me didn't just sedate her it let be something I had a Nogitsune start up inside of me. Something evil. A trickster spirit. A fox. I could feel it. I woke Stiles up by screaming as loud as I possibly could.

He responded with, "What is it Lydia? What's wrong? Other people than us being trapped of course."

I told him, "Stiles he's back."

"Who's back? Who's he?" He questioned.

I trembled when I said, "I don't know but somehow I feelt it. I feel Void, he's coming Stiles. He's going to take over me, the way he took over you,"

He looked back at me with emotions swirling in his eyes, fear and terror were the ones most visible before he asked, "How could this happen Lydia? I thought-I mean this can't be possible. We defeated him. Right?"

I looked up and down at his bedside before responding, "I-I don't know. I think.....when they injected me with those chemicals it jump started the Nogitsune. A way he could get inside of me. I don't know how it's possible, but I can feel it."

Stiles was at a lost for words I mean how could he not. The same thing that made him lose his mind with all of those terrible memories that haunted him. Remembering all the horrible things he's done. And the worst part is the he enjoyed it.

I looked up at him and said, "Stiles, you have to get me back. Okay? You have to bring me back to myself. You need to defeat him. Please don't be hurt by the words he might say through me. Just know that it isn't me. He's going to take over me and cause so much pain. I'm sorry,"

Stiles looked at me, listening to the "I'm sorry" part he yells "No! You have nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault. We never knew this could happen. But, as you already know I know how it feels to be possessed and not be in control of your own body. I promise I will find you and I will bring you back. I just hope he doesn't come to fast......."

But Stiles will soon realize how wrong he was....

Void -Stydia AUWhere stories live. Discover now