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Stiles' POV

Scott ran up to me and said, "Did you hear what's happening?!?"

"No,what is it?!?"

"Void Lydia is in the courtyard shooting people."

"Wait,what? Why would she do that."

"I don't know maybe because it's the Nogitsune that feeds off strife and pain," Scott replied sarcastically.

I shot him death stare.

"Did she kill anyone yet?"

"Not that anyone knows of."

"Then we have to find out and stop her."

We ha to find our way through screaming teenagers. They were running away from the scenes in all directions trying to find safety. Then we saw her the shell of the girl I loved. The thing inside her wasn't her I had to remind myself as we made our way towards her.


"I said GAME ON! Didn't I?"

"But you have to stop! Before you get locked up."

"So, does it look like I care? I could escape it easily," Void replied with a shrug.

"Well you should," I countered.


"Because it will be your ass being thrown in jail not hers."

"But I'm in her body."

"The get out and leave."

"Why would I do that when the fun had just begun. And plus I was hungry for a little snack."

"We defeated you once and well do it again."

"Let's see about that."

Void has just walked away.. To where I did not know.

Void -Stydia AUWhere stories live. Discover now