Chapter 20

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[Yohan searched Ishu in the bathing area and changing room after coming back]

Yohan- *where did he go? I don't see Yuki as well* Sir...

Teacher- yes Yohan?

Yohan- do you know where are Yuki and Insu?

Teacher- oh them, they went back to the dorm because Insu was not feeling well.

Yohan- huh? Can I go back too---

Teacher- no, you cannot. Yuki is enough to take care of him, although I know I will get in trouble if the staff comes to know about it, so please try to understand.

Yohan- sorry sir I was only thinking about myself. *they both should be okay by themselves*

[everyone came back and Yohan rushed to his dorm]

Yohan- Insu! [found no one] they must be at Yuki's... should I cook his favourite porridge now that I am here. [cooks and packs porridge and heads towards Yuki's]

[enters the passcode, removes his shoes]

Ishu! [no one answered] Yuki? [again no answer] puts the medicine he bought on the way back on the dining table] *the gas is on though...maybe inside the room* [opens bedroom door] Insu--- [saw Yuki and Insu hugging and laughing]

*what the hell is this happening?!* [he closed the door and silently went back to his dorm]

Yuki- how are you feeling now?

Ishu- better, but I am hungry

Yuki- I knew it. wait outside at the dining table. I'll come in a few minutes [starts cleaning the room]

Ishu- [opens the tiffin kept on the dining table] *oh! my favourite porridge* what is this? [opens the packet] ah~ medicine, heya it was not necessary to go and buy at this hour, [happy happy] here is a note too-

'Don't get sick dumbo – Yohan'

..........YOHAN?! he was here? When? Shit [rushes out of the door without even wearing the slippers]


Yuki- [came outside saw the opened door and the note] what should I do now? [tensed] did he hear everything?

[Ishu came running towards the dorm in search of Yohan] [opens the door]

Ishu- Yohan! [saw that all the lights were off and Yohan was sitting on the floor crying] Yohan!! [going closer to him] are you okay???

Yohan- [raises his head] hm? Insu [wipes his tears] how are you feeling now? Is your stomach okay?

Ishu- I am all fine now, don't worry about me [crouches] why did you leave like that? *perhaps did he hear everything?* did you.....hear ---[Yohan pulls Ishu towards and hugs her tightly]

Yohan- about that question earlier [takes a break] YES! I like you! And your presence makes me happier than ever and I like you because you are you and even if I came to find out that, that you was not the actual you and some other you, I will not hate you. I still don't know what you were talking about and what I just said but I know for sure that if I fell for you once I will fall for you again and again with no end.

Ishu- Yohan I ---

Yohan- no [firms his grips] don't say anything I am too worked up right now to process anything further. I am sorry if this disgusted you, I couldn't hold back anymore.

Ishu- [loosens Yohan's grip and sits in front of him] sorry but I don't think I can leave you here with no answer [Yohan was not making eye contact] [Ishu smiles and rubs tears off his face] things are complicated right now for me, and too many thoughts I have in my head right now but---

Yohan- I told you not to say anything! [Ishu suddenly came close to him and Yohan blocked his forehead]

Ishu- yah! [laughs sarcastically] I am speechless, I wasn't hitting you. Huh, what am I, a thug?

Yohan- [slowly lowering his hands] hm? Then what--- [Ishu kissed his forehead and came back to initial position]

haha see you next week~~ 

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