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PROMPT : You were about to shower with Natasha, then were met with a spider in the bathtub.

You and your girlfriend had just gotten back from your mission and were absolutely exhausted. Nothing better than a shower together, right?

"Tasha, come on! I feel dirty!" You whined, stomping your foot like a little kid since Natasha wouldn't move from the couch.

"Five more minutes." She groaned, slumping further into the pillows on her sides.

"You know what, I'm gonna go shower by myself. You're free to join whenever you want." You huffed playfully, getting slightly annoyed and leaving the room.

"Absolutely not, I'm coming!" She yelled, immediately running behind you.

You childishly chuckled at the last part of her sentence, hiding your head in your hands.

"Oh, get your head out of the gutter Y/N." She sighed, pinching your sides which made you squeal.

You got to the bathroom, then quickly stripped both of you of your clothes, not wanting to wait a single minute anymore. You moved the shower curtain, then peeked your head in and were about to step in, until you suddenly saw a spider. A fucking spider!

"Spider! Spider!" You started yelling, harshly moving your hands everywhere and grabbing the shower curtain, which made you fall back on your butt.

"What? Where do you see a spider?" Natasha gasped, but remained calm, not exactly being scared of spiders. She is the Black Widow after all.

"In the tub! Natasha! Get rid of it now!" You yelped, grabbing a towel and running out to the living room, just wanting to escape the spider.

You were suddenly met with all of the Avengers, sat in front of the TV, casually watching a movie. They all turned their heads and looked at you with wide eyes.

"Woah, why are you in a towel!" Steve exclaimed, respectfully covering his eyes.

Not even caring about everyone seeing you like this, you shouted. "There's a fucking spider in our tub!"

Everyone then let out a breath of relief. "Y/N, you fucking scared us! We thought it was something more important than that. It's just a spider, calm down. Spider mama will get rid of it for you." Tony shook his head disappointingly, putting his hand on his forehead.

"Spider mama? Are you seriously making jokes right now?! This IS important!" You replied in all seriousness, now standing up on a chair, afraid the spider will literally crawl back to you.

"Why are you even standing on a chair? It's not like it's magically gonna appear in here." Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You never know." You huffed, impatiently waiting for Natasha to come out and tell you she sorted it out.

Unfortunately, you all spoke too soon. The spider was in fact now crawling in the living room. Natasha was closely following behind, squinting her eyes in order to catch the stubborn insect.

"Oh my god! Peter! I fucking told you!" You yelped, almost falling over.

"Why the fuck is everybody in here! We're practically naked, Y/N!" Natasha scolded, glaring at you, then keeping her eyes on the moving spider.

"Everyone on the couch!" Tony instructed, seeming pretty stressed.

"You were saying?! Not important my ass!" You cocked an eyebrow at him, which he sheepishly ignored.

Natasha started running around, desperately trying to catch the spider. She was holding onto her towel for dear life, afraid she'll basically flash everyone.

"Oh, come on! Is no one gonna help me out here?" She groaned, waiting for someone to actually get down and help. "So?!"

Nobody moved an inch. Everyone remained stood on a higher surface. Honestly, it was a bit embarrassing. A house full of superpowered heroes who saved the world god knows how many times, terrified of a tiny little spider. Pretty ironic.

"Natasha, baby please! Catch it for fuck's sake!" You pleaded, being absolutely done with this situation.

"I'm trying!" She rolled her eyes, still chasing the little devil. "I can't see the fucker!"

"What do you mean you can't see?!" Everybody sassed simultaneously, which Natasha returned with a death glare.

After a few chaotic minutes, she finally caught it. Wiping the sweat off of her forehead, she looked at everyone exhausted.

"Jesus! Finally! Please, yank it outside." Tony instructed, trying to project a calm demeanor, which wasn't exactly working.

"Why thank you for the very much needed help, Stark." Natasha rebuked, doing what she was told.

"I'm gonna tease you about this for years, tin man." You snickered, getting down from the chair you were standing on.

"Come here." Natasha growled, protectively wrapping her arm around your waist, not really liking the idea of everyone seeing you both in your towels.

"Thanks, Nat." Everyone chanted, but she ignored them, ushering you both to your shared bedroom.

Once you got there, she shut the door, then pulled you into a hug, which you both enjoyed for a few minutes, in silence.

"Tony called you spider mama." You mumbled, your voice pretty much muffled since your mouth was pressed against her chest.

"Spider mama? Really?" She giggled, kissing the top of your head.

"Yeah, it's pretty hot though." You added, receiving a few tickles from her.

Out of nowhere, she threw you over her shoulder then placed you on the bed, still keeping up the tickling attack.

"Tasha! Stop!" You begged, out of breath from all the laughing.

She stopped, then admired you for a second, not saying anything. She loved the way you looked when you were happy. She loved your smile, your lips, your teeth, your adorable dimples and of course your big perfect eyes.

"So, shower?" You asked, breaking the silence, playing with the baby hairs on the back of her neck.

"Yeah, let's go." She chuckled, walking you to the bathroom, then slapping your ass.

"You just had to do that, didn't you?" You playfully rolled your eyes, then turned the water on.

"Mhm." She nodded, placing her hands on your sides and pinning you to the counter.

You both stayed like that for a while, waiting for the tub to fill up, simply enjoying each other's presence. Once it was ready, Natasha got in first, then you joined her, comfortably laying in between her legs, leaning against her chest.

"I love you." You sighed, melting into her touch as she comfortingly rubbed your hips.

"I love you more." She answered, peppering kisses all over your neck, down to your collarbone.

"Not possible." You replied, turning around and kissing her passionately.

Natasha Romanoff x Female One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now