Inauguration Day

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TW: Body Horror. Last chance to get out.


Inauguration Day. Joy.

While he is ecstatic to get far away from the orange elephant in the room, he is equally ecstatic to get Inauguration Day over with as fast as possible. Since he has woken up his skin has been crawling and itching and burning at times, but he does have to get some work done before he can settle down for the day.

Specifically, making sure someone is in charge for the day to keep the Statehouse from burning down. Most choices are bad, but he goes with Virginia. Virginia is usually his first choice to lead things when he's gone for Inauguration Day, because Virginia was in charge before him and he has somewhat of a good head on his shoulders.

Virginia, as always, doesn't blink an eye. Gov saying he's busy on Inauguration Day getting things ready for the president and helping him settle in is always a believable half-lie. He is busy on Inauguration day. It's just that he finished most of the paperwork last night in a blur and he'll be formally (re)introducing himself to the president and vice president tomorrow. Today is just, different.

God he wishes he could teleport back to his apartment in DC, but his superiors will kill him (temporarily) if he leaves The Statehouse. They always knew when he had disobeyed them in some way, and though he had asked for leave, they had asked why he was asking for leave of the Statehouse when he was not attending the inauguration, in an accusing tone. It was simply easier to stick to the Statehouse right now.

It's sad though, because at his apartment he has an entire room decked out for this purpose. Soundproofing, heating lamps, hot packs, lots-lots of blankets. He tries to collect as many blankets as he can as possible, though it isn't nearly as much back in the apartment.

Just as he's done and about to leave, he walks into California of all people and he has to restrain himself from yelling at him.

"Uh, whatcha doing dude?" California eyes him suspiciously. Gov knows how he looks. He's looked disheveled the past few months, but today it is on a completely different level. His hair is going every which way and is much shorter, his eyes are slightly glazed over and if Gov were smart he would have brought his glasses with him to the statehouse but he didn't, Gov just hopes that California can't tell that his skin is already peeling in some areas.

He forces a smile on his face and says through grit teeth, "Juuust, getting ready for inauguration day. Which I am extremely busy with right now so I need you to get out of my way."

He can't clearly see California's face, but the way he tilts his head tells Gov that he's giving him an incredulous look. "Shouldn't you be at DC right now then? And why do you need blankets for inauguration day anyway?"

Gov squeezes the mass of blankets in his arms to stop himself from saying something to California he regrets, "Last minute preparations. Really none of your business. Excuse me." He pushes past California more aggressively than he intended. Inauguration day always makes him more temperamental and blunt. He doesn't want to hear what California has to say to that.

He makes it to his room and dumps the blankets on his bed. He can make out some of the logos on them, although some of them he doesn't recognize. Who the hell are the Razorbacks?

It doesn't matter. He starts adjusting the blankets and laying them out in a nest-like shape. It doesn't need to be a nest shape, but the more soft the bed is the better and it is always a bad idea to be underneath the blankets. He makes sure to set down some towels as well.

The remaining blankets he hangs up on the walls for temporary sound proofing. The workmanship is shoddy and not every wall is covered up, but when push comes to shove he can use a belt to temper the noise. He triple checks the lock and makes sure to push some objects in the way of the door. It won't exactly hold to personification level strength, but it might be enough to buy himself some time. He checks and sees if he has water, which thank god he does. He pulls the blinds down and adjusts the black out curtains.

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