Chapter 8: Scream

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Nate groans bored as he looks around the dull hospital room."When can I leave this dull place?" Nate questions as his father sighs "I'll ask the doctors.Are you cold?" His father asks him and Nate shakes his head "no it's actually really warm in here." Nate states as his father sends him a weird look. His father soon leaves and the room is quiet. Nate can hear the shower running as Lydia showers. He looks at the IV hooked up to him and notices it turning black.He quickly pulls it out of his arm but a burnt hand appears from under the bed and grabs Nate who releases a horrifying screech.

He soon jumps out of the bed and slowly backs up to the wall as a figure soon starts revealing itself from under the bed. Nate looks around the room and notices the window he quickly jumps out and sees Lydia beside him the two run off into the woods.Nate walks through the forest naked having given his hospital gown to Lydia. He soon starts to hear whispers and starts to follow them. He soon reaches the edge of the forest where there's flashing light and police by an ambulance. A branch moves out his way as he holds Lydia's hand. He soon let's go of her hand and holds his crouch and hides his Gem with his other hand.

"Lydia.Nate?" Stiles questions.Nate keeps looking down hearing loud whispers as he gets closer to the ambulance "Nate!Lydia!" Stiles screams which makes Nate jump and snap back to reality. "Oh christ" the Sheriff walks towards Nate taking off his jacket and hands the jacket to Nate who turns around and puts it on. He wraps it around himself to hide his gem and sigh turning back around "oh oh my God." Stiles states and Nate looks at confused "what?" Nate questions as Stiles sighs "your junk is out buddy." Nate blushes and spins around

"You have guys really don't remember anything?" Allison questions the two and Nate just shakes his head and Lydia sighs "they called it a fugue state which is basically a way of saying we have have no idea why you two were running through the woods naked for two days." Lydia states as Nate just nods "though I do remember giving my hospital gown to Lydia." Nate replies as Allison smiles. "But it was worth it we both lost nine pounds." Lydia comments with a smile while Nate playfully rolls his eyes.

"Are you ready for this?"Allison questions and Nate sighs "oh please it's not like our aunt's a serial killer." Lydia states as Nate glares at her. Lydia turns and heads into the school everyone immediately stops to stare at him and Lydia "boo bitches" Nate says and they all continue with their days "you've gotta teach me how to do that." Allison states and Nate winks "no sweetie a magician never reveals his secrets" he walks towards his first class but Danny stops him "hey umm Nate umm are you ok I would've asked when you were in the hospital but the cops told me to leave." Nate smiles "yeah I'm fine no need to worry." Nate replies and Danny smiles back at him.

Nate sits beside an unknown kid doing his exam. He soon starts to hear people rubbing out their answers and picking others. He hears the kid in front of him fart Nate starts to get angry an he doesn't notice the light frost on the windows.People soon start shivering but Nate just completes his test before giving it to the teacher and leaved and the temperature returns to normal.

Nate walks into science and sits beside Lydia "dude what did you do to my camera?" Nate hears someone in the room says and he closes his eyes and blocks out the sound. He soon feels someone watching him and turns to see Jackson staring at him and Lydia. Nate chuckles as he and Lydia walk down the halls. Suddenly Jackson grabs Lydia's arm and pushes her against the wall and screams at her. "Hey!" Nate screams and Jackson turns around and glares at him. Nate then punches Jackson in his face and smiles as Jackson drops to the ground clutching his face. Nate gently takes Lydia's hand and run to their next period.

Nate lays on the ground with a book open as Lydia sits in Allison's room chair as Chris knocks on Allison's door and Allison walks towards him."We need you to remember what happened." Nate hears Chris state and decides to listen to the conversation "you want me to stop being friends with them?" Allison questions "actually quite the opposite I know how it sounds but we need you to keep and eye on them." Chris states and Nate silently scoffs "you want me to spy on them." Allison states confused and Nate closes his book and kicks Lydia who kicks him back with a glare and he rolls his eyes.

Nate walks into the skating rink with Lydia,Allison, Scott and Stiles. He groans as he watches Scott and Allison kiss. He puts on his skates and starts skating on the rink. He watches as Scott tries to skate but falls. Lydia soon skates towards him and twirls him around and he giggles as Lydia smiles "I miss when we use to do these with mom and dad." Lydia states and Nate smiles losing his focus and he slips. He looks beside him at a purple flower as Lydia picks up a petal. Nate sits up as Lydia clears some of the ice and Nate sees the male who bit him and Lydia and he flinches.

The male opens his mouth to scream but no noise comes out he Jenks his head left and right rapidly. Nate places his hand on the ice and the hand tries to pull him into the ice.Nate and Lydia jerk back both releasing horrified screams. Nate continues to scream as he puts is head in his hands and rock himself. He shakes his head rapidly as his hair flies about.

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