Chapter 22: The Motel and Ghosts

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The bus stops at a motel and Nate groans as it head hits the chair in front of him. Nate exits the box and stretches and yawns. Coach scolds the students to keep their hands to themselves. Nate smirks as he walks pass Coach "no promises" Nate giggles but stops as he gets a clear view of the hotel. He freezes as the voices whisper "I don't like this" Nate nods "me either"

Nate shivers as he hears everyone's thoughts he cries. Nate curls into a ball on the motel roof. "Get in the freezer.You weren't supposed to leave me" Nate clutches his ears "stop.Stop.Stop.Stop.Stop!" A shockwave blasts out of Nate's body and things fly about. Nate hears nothing but silence and sighs.

He looks at the ice covered ground and sighs. He closes his eyes and concentrates the ice vanishes and Nate sits on the edge of the roof and swings his legs over the edge. "Get out. Get out of here now!" Nate looks behind him at glowing figures "the wolfsbane is affecting them all." Wanda walks up to Nate and he let's tears stream down his face "W-W-Wanda" She nods and caresses his face "you've been suffering but you've also been slowing healing" Nate smiles.

Nate looks at the glowing figures of his dead witches and warlocks classmates. "Sorry" He looks away from them "It wasn't your fault you killed them you avenged us we are thankful" Nate let's tears of happiness fall and Wanda hugs him and strokes his hair. "Now you have to save your friend what's his name Boyd?" The Witch near her nods and Nate smiles before rushing towards Boyd's room.The door is open and Stiles and the others are taking a vault off of Boyd's chest as he lays underwater.

Nate groans as he hears Lydia and Aidan's make out session. The fire alarm goes off and Nate hisses and covers his ears. Nate walks out of his class and goes to leave the school. "Which means that if I catch you with him again I'm not gonna pull the fire alarm. I'm gonna pull your tongue out of your head." The door flies off its  hinges and Cora flies into the wall. "And I will gladly kill both you and your brother." He smiles before groaning "why are you following me Stilinski." Stiles gives a speech as he places a spirit board in front of Nate and Lydia. Nate pushes the board to the ground. "It doesn't work this way ass. Clairaudience is the ability to hear whispers that give you answers you can't just control it. It happens when it wants."

Stiles talks about physcometry "not a banshee ability. Give me those it's a witch ability." Nate touches the keys and gasps as flashes enter his mind. "What? What did you see?" Nate blinks and shakes his head as he holds it "just flashes... the darach is going after Melissa and Noah." Stiles hands Lydia a pencil talking about automatic writing. Lydia draws a tree.  "Lydia you're supposed to be writing words,like a sentences a  location something." Nate examines the tree "this is a location... it was in the flashes...the nemeton." Nate takes the drawing from Lydia "it's a Beacon it summons supernatural beings to an area guess Beacon Hills has one the tree reveals it's when it wants." Stiles rushes out the class running into Scott.

Nate runs his fingers through his hair as he paces his room "I've seen it before but...where?" He continues pacing "it's in the woods where you found me that tree stump." Leo comments making Nate jump. "Leo!" He scolds before shaking hishead"but anyways why were you at the nemeton?" Leo sighs "your mother placed me there for you to one day find and you did." Nate picks up Leo and sighs "what am I gonna do with you and this attitude?" Leo just stares behind him "Nathan?" He turns around to see a blonde woman "who is you?" He arches his eyebrows "I've been watching over you my child." Nate stills looks confused "Nixie?" Leo questions "what?" Nate questions before examining the woman "mom?"

Nixie smiles and hugs a cryong Nate"why ...why did you leave me?" He questions and Nixie runs her fingers through his hair and pulls away from the hug "I had to but I never stopped watching you baby. I watched as you grew,came out Lydia, had your first crush on that boy Theo I wad there for it all." Nate cries even more a wave of blue energy leaving his body "no no baby nows not the time to cry your friends need you. I came to warn you the tree holds an evil so cruel so dark not Eben the spirits would dare go against it buy you.. you must be ready be strong my child."

Nixie starts fading "Wait where... where are you going." Nixie smiles and holds his face. "I'm going to join the spirits and gift you my power for your journeys and battles you can call on me whenever you want." She glows before vanishing and Nate smiles and rushes out the house but freezes hearing the familiar whispers "it's time child." Nate screams Boyd's name and drops to his knees "how can I be strong if I keep losing the ones I care about?" Nate questions looking at the sky.

Nate walks slowly holding on to the railing walking towards someone. "Scott" his voice comes out hoarse and his vision blurs "Scott" his voice sounding like a whisper. Scott turns around "Nate what's wrong with you?" Scott walks towards a weak looking Nate "S-S-Something terrible is about to happen watch Lydia." The last part he whispers as his body falls into Scott's hands. Scott drags Nate's body to a class and rests his down.

Lydia walks around the school and finds herself in a classroom. She looks around hearing voices "You recognize it don't you?" She turns around and sees Nate tied up to a chair and is soon knocked unconscious. Nate jumps awake at the sound of his sister's scream. He looks behind him as that vile woman holds a knife up to Lydia. Something inside him clicks and his eyes glow turquoise "get away from her!!!" She goes flying out the window as the binds holding Nate and Lydia down breaks. Nate graciously floats down to the ground "you have tried to hurt one dear to my child Jen" She hisses at Nate "you I should have expected this Nixie."

"How dare you do this?!" Nixie screams her voice distorted. "You of all people should know better than to trust werewolves!" Jennifer screams at her. Nixie shakes her head and holds Nate's hand out green hues around his hand. Jennifer starts floating with green hues around her before Nixie throws Nate's hand to the side Jennifer crashing into the wall. Nixie leaves Nate's body and his body falls to the ground.

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