Crescent moon backstory

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(This is based on casino cups
When Phear lap told his story

Skip to 25:07)

All of the coworkers were rather suprise when the bone horse known as phear lap told his father...disturbing story and chips bettigan was a bit frigthen as well, you know for a "tough" cowboy

Chips turned his attention at crescent who was waiting for her martini, "what about you crescent? What was your story before the casino?" He asked, crescent perks up in suprise, "m-me?" She asked in suprise, chips nods, "mhm!" He said, crescent sighs softly, "well....I was born in a aristocratic household, my parents and I lived in quite the nice home with a few maids and butlers, since I was the only child, they expected a lot out of me and wanted me absolutely perfect, someone they could be proud of..." she said as the bar attendant gives her the martini

"I was born a chubby, my parents thought that it would go away as I grew into a toodler, whoever it didn't and they began to think that this we a problem, you see my parents had pretty strict views on how a women should act and look, pay attention, keep your mouth shut and look pretty, they thought my chubbiness was repulsive, they wanted me to hopefully get married to a rich guy...but I hated the thought of that, I didn't want a worthless marriage like them...." She said and takes a sip of her martini, " as I became a kid my father would make me exercise until I felt sick, my mother would starve me, I tried so hard to be the perfect daughter but it was never enough, they would say 'you'll never get a man with a body like that'" she quoted, "it made me feel rather ashamed of myself ...but after a while I started to develop I love for music, I had a nice radio and I would listen to music and singing all the time,

it would make me happy and soon I realized that I liked singing, i would sing to the songs and I soon realized that became a singer was what I wanted! It was a career that would make me happy! But parents didn't like the idea of it and thought it was a joke, when they found out it wasn't...they work belittle me and said I it was a ridiculous dream, but that didn't stop me, when they were around I'd keep my mouth shut but when I'm alone, I'd sing for hours and after the years I slowly improved, but my parents didn't like I still haven't lost weight or met day my mother had enough...when I turned 18 she packed all of my things without me even knowing, we had a big argument and she kicked me out of the house with my luggage and told me to never come back and I was a embarrassment to the moon ring family....I begged and pleased with her that I would do better but she wouldn't listen to me anymore....after that I struggled, I managed to get a apartment...and got jobs but I always hated it and I would get fired...i was so depressed and I would drink just to distract myself from the pain of it all..." she said and finished her martini and places the glass down finishing her story, "I'm gonna go get some fresh air....." she said and walks away. Everyone was shocked...

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